V průběhu letních měsíců se Blizzard rozhodl spojit s neziskovou organizací BlueCheck, která pomáhá na Ukrajině. Hráči si mohli za €20 adoptovat dva pety do Dragonflight, resp. do Classic WoW, Sunny a Flurkyho.
Blizzard spustil nové charitativní pety. Adopcí Flurkyho a Sunny podpoříte Ukrajinu.
Blizzard slíbil, že celá vybraná částka z balíčků petů půjde k organizaci BlueCheck, se kterou následně vybere, kam vybrané peníze půjdou. Hráči od konce července do konce srpna dokázali vybrat přes milion a půl dolarů.
Peníze byly nakonec rozděleny do desíti různých neziskových organizací, které příspěvky rozdělí potřebným. Mezi vybrané organizace patří například Ukraine Assistance Organization, která zásobuje mobilní zdravotnické týmy, které navštěvují pacienty u nich doma nebo například Voices of Childern, která zajišťuje terapeutická sezení pro děti a jejich rodiče. Celý seznam vybraných neziskovek si můžete přečíst v anglickém modrém příspěvku.
Ukraine Assistance Organization (UAO)
Programs Funded: UAO will fund mobile medical teams to provide home medical services for patients unable to reach health facilities in regions such as Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odessa, encompassing the cities and the surrounding areas. The teams will diagnose, treat, and provide medications at no cost to more than 3,500 patients over the coming months.
Project Victory
Programs Funded: This grant will fund a container of urgent medical supplies for a hospital in Zaporizhia City. These funds will ensure that nine frontline hospitals can receive more than one million dollars in medical supplies.
Programs Funded: This grant will provide for continued operations, and the purchase of urgent humanitarian supplies for frontline areas.
Voices of Children
Programs Funded: The grant will fund therapy for at least 100 children with ASD along with group sessions for parents, psychoeducational programs, as well funding an international conference on the protection of the rights and mental health of children of war.
Save Peace in Ukraine
Programs Funded: Save Peace in UA plans to distribute 180,000 ready-to-eat meals to 6,000 individuals who cannot care for themselves. Each recipient will receive 30 ready-to-eat meals for 15 days of complete nutrition.
Programs Funded: Funding will support approximately 8 months of operating costs of programming for unaccompanied elderly.
Cash for Refugees
Programs Funded: The grants will enable the organization to continue providing cash assistance to high-needs individuals across the country, reaching more than 600 families with young children and elderly who have fled war-affected areas.
Programs Funded: Psychological Online Counseling to provide upward of 1,500 consultations for 300 individuals; A Mobile Service Team for Children to work with children both in their city and in remote communities; Food Support around the frontline including the Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, and Odessa regions.
TAPS Ukraine
Programs Funded: This grant will help complete the construction of the TAPS Ukraine Resilience Center in Dnipro, which will offer forums and training for 10,000+ Ukrainians covering mental wellness, trauma resolution, and emergency medical care.
Move Ukraine
Program Funded: Providing shelter rehabilitation with permanent housing for internally displaced persons in Kharkiv and Lviv with co-financing from local municipalities.