Díky Sunny a Flurky se vybralo přes 34 milionů korun na Ukrajinu

od | 12. října 2023 | Zajímavosti | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 17 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

V prů­bě­hu let­ních měsí­ců se Bliz­zard roz­ho­dl spo­jit s nezisko­vou orga­ni­za­cí Blu­e­Check, kte­rá pomá­há na Ukra­ji­ně. Hrá­či si moh­li za €20 ado­p­to­vat dva pety do Dra­gon­fli­ght, resp. do Clas­sic WoW, Sun­ny a Flurkyho.

Bliz­zard spus­til nové cha­ri­ta­tiv­ní pety. Adop­cí Flur­ky­ho a Sun­ny pod­po­ří­te Ukrajinu.

Bliz­zard slí­bil, že celá vybra­ná část­ka z balíč­ků petů půjde k orga­ni­za­ci Blu­e­Check, se kte­rou násled­ně vybe­re, kam vybra­né pení­ze půjdou. Hrá­či od kon­ce čer­ven­ce do kon­ce srp­na doká­za­li vybrat přes mili­on a půl dolarů.

Pení­ze byly nako­nec roz­dě­le­ny do desí­ti růz­ných nezisko­vých orga­ni­za­cí, kte­ré pří­spěv­ky roz­dě­lí potřeb­ným. Mezi vybra­né orga­ni­za­ce pat­ří napří­klad Ukra­i­ne Assistan­ce Orga­ni­zati­on, kte­rá záso­bu­je mobil­ní zdra­vot­nic­ké týmy, kte­ré navště­vu­jí paci­en­ty u nich doma nebo napří­klad Voices of Chil­dern, kte­rá zajiš­ťu­je tera­pe­u­tic­ká seze­ní pro děti a jejich rodi­če. Celý seznam vybra­ných nezisko­vek si může­te pře­číst v ang­lic­kém mod­rém příspěvku.


Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
Thanks to the World of War­craft com­mu­ni­ty, more than a mil­li­on dollars in aid has alrea­dy been desig­na­ted for Blu­e­Check part­ners on the ground. By cut­ting the red tape the WoW-Blu­e­Check part­ner­ship is pro­vi­ding cri­ti­cal resour­ces, right now, to the following organizations:

Ukraine Assistance Organization (UAO)
UAO pro­vi­des free medi­cal assistan­ce and vital medi­ci­nes direct­ly to homes and rural villages.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: UAO will fund mobi­le medi­cal teams to pro­vi­de home medi­cal ser­vi­ces for pati­ents una­ble to reach heal­th faci­li­ties in regi­ons such as Kher­son, Myko­la­iv, and Ode­ssa, encom­pas­sing the cities and the surroun­ding are­as. The teams will dia­gno­se, tre­at, and pro­vi­de medi­cati­ons at no cost to more than 3,500 pati­ents over the coming months.

Project Victory
Pro­ject Vic­to­ry is a non­pro­fit foun­ded by com­bat vete­rans that pro­vi­des food, shel­ter, medi­cal sup­plies, and essen­ti­als to peo­ple in are­as impac­ted by war.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: This grant will fund a con­ta­i­ner of urgent medi­cal sup­plies for a hospi­tal in Zapo­ri­zhia City. These funds will ensu­re that nine front­li­ne hospi­tals can rece­i­ve more than one mil­li­on dollars in medi­cal supplies.

The Philhar­mo­nic trans­for­med itself from an orchest­ra into a hub for huma­ni­ta­ri­an relief acti­vi­ties. Current­ly, it pro­vi­des medi­cal insti­tu­ti­ons in eas­tern Ukra­i­ne with the necessa­ry medi­ci­nes and resus­ci­tati­on vehicles.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: This grant will pro­vi­de for con­ti­nu­ed ope­rati­ons, and the pur­cha­se of urgent huma­ni­ta­ri­an sup­plies for front­li­ne areas.

Voices of Children
The Voices of Chil­dren Cha­ri­table Foun­dati­on offers sup­port for chil­dren with disa­bi­li­ties and, in par­ticu­lar, with ASD (autism spectrum disorder).
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: The grant will fund the­ra­py for at least 100 chil­dren with ASD along with group sessi­ons for parents, psy­cho­edu­cati­o­nal pro­grams, as well fun­ding an inter­nati­o­nal con­fe­ren­ce on the pro­tecti­on of the rights and men­tal heal­th of chil­dren of war.

Save Peace in Ukraine
Save Pea­ce in UA is an NGO pro­vi­ding huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid to Ukra­i­ni­an towns, cities, and regions.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: Save Pea­ce in UA plans to dis­tri­bu­te 180,000 rea­dy-to-eat meals to 6,000 indi­vi­du­als who can­not care for them­sel­ves. Each reci­pi­ent will rece­i­ve 30 rea­dy-to-eat meals for 15 days of com­ple­te nutrition.

Sta­ren­ki assists more than 2,000 elder­ly Ukra­i­ni­ans, pri­ma­ri­ly reti­re­es without fami­ly, in the form of social acti­vi­ties, food, and hygi­e­ne support.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: Fun­ding will sup­port appro­xi­ma­te­ly 8 mon­ths of ope­ra­ting costs of pro­gra­m­ming for unac­com­pa­nied elderly.

Cash for Refugees
Cash for Refu­ge­es pro­vi­des direct cash assistan­ce to peo­ple dis­pla­ced by the war in Ukra­i­ne. The orga­ni­zati­on focuses on the most vul­ne­ra­ble: women with chil­dren, the elder­ly, and the disabled.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: The grants will ena­ble the orga­ni­zati­on to con­ti­nue pro­vi­ding cash assistan­ce to high-needs indi­vi­du­als across the coun­t­ry, rea­ching more than 600 fami­lies with young chil­dren and elder­ly who have fled war-affec­ted areas.

Spiv­Diia is one of the lar­gest All-Ukra­i­ni­an cha­ri­ty plat­forms with sup­port cen­ters in almost all regi­ons of Ukra­i­ne. They check and match requests Ukra­i­ni­an war-affec­ted citi­zens make to gover­n­men­tal hot lines and the­ir onli­ne platform.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Onli­ne Coun­se­ling to pro­vi­de upward of 1,500 con­sul­tati­ons for 300 indi­vi­du­als; A Mobi­le Ser­vi­ce Team for Chil­dren to work with chil­dren both in the­ir city and in remo­te com­mu­ni­ties; Food Sup­port around the front­li­ne inclu­ding the Khar­kiv, Zapo­ri­zh­zhya, Dni­pro­pe­t­rov­sk, Donet­sk, Myko­la­iv, and Ode­ssa regions.

TAPS Ukraine
TAPS Ukra­i­ne cares for the fami­lies who have lost loved ones in the war and is caring now for more than 500 of these families.
  • Pro­grams Fun­ded: This grant will help com­ple­te the con­structi­on of the TAPS Ukra­i­ne Resi­li­en­ce Cen­ter in Dni­pro, which will offer forums and tra­i­ning for 10,000+ Ukra­i­ni­ans cove­ring men­tal well­ness, trau­ma reso­lu­ti­on, and emer­gen­cy medi­cal care.

Move Ukraine
Move Ukra­i­ne pro­vi­des susta­i­na­ble housing com­mu­ni­ties and jobs for Ukra­i­ni­ans who have been affec­ted or are retur­ning with no pla­ce to live.
  • Pro­gram Fun­ded: Pro­vi­ding shel­ter reha­bi­li­tati­on with per­ma­nent housing for inter­nally dis­pla­ced per­sons in Khar­kiv and Lviv with co-finan­cing from local municipalities.

About BlueCheck Ukraine

Blu­e­Check Ukra­i­ne, co-foun­ded by actor and acti­vist Liev Schre­i­ber, was laun­ched by a collecti­ve of huma­ni­ta­ri­an cri­sis respon­se experts who­se mis­si­on is to quick­ly iden­ti­fy, vet, and sup­port gras­sro­ots Ukra­i­ni­an aid orga­ni­zati­ons that pro­vi­de cri­ti­cal life-saving and huma­ni­ta­ri­an work on the ground. The orga­ni­zati­on fast-tracks urgent finan­cial funds to part­ners who deli­ver medi­cal care and reha­bi­li­ta­te damaged heal­th faci­li­ties, eva­cua­te and care for orphans and chil­dren with spe­cial needs, pro­vi­de food, water, and shel­ter for peo­ple dri­ven from the­ir homes, take care of seni­or citi­zens, and quick­ly respond to many more urgent needs of Ukra­i­ni­ans affec­ted by the war.

Zdroj: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24013832/thank-you-sunny-and-flurky-raise-15-million-for-bluecheck-ukraine


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