Mythic Aberrus — Blizzard si posvítil na Nelthariona a Sarkaretha

od | 13. května 2023 | Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 22 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývo­já­ři se krát­ce po zabi­tí sed­mé­ho bos­se instan­ce guil­dou Liquid podí­va­li na zou­bek posled­ním dvě­ma bos­sům. Nel­tha­ri­on a Sar­ka­re­th tak s nej­vět­ší prav­dě­po­dob­nos­tí výraz­ně zpo­ma­lí celý závod o prv­ní příč­ky. Změ­ny, kte­ré Bliz­zard pro­ve­dl, jsou oprav­du zásad­ní a zvy­šu­jí poško­ze­ní někte­rých kou­zel bos­sů. Dá se oče­ká­vat, že guil­dy nebu­dou mít dosta­teč­ný item level k tomu, aby přes bos­se ten­to týden prošly.

Echo of Neltharion

  • Collap­sed Earth  Rubble falls from the cei­ling, inflicting 218956355804 Natu­re damage to pla­yers within 3.5 yards and stun­ning them for 13 sec.
  • Crum­b­ling Faca­de  Rubble peri­o­di­cally falls from the damaged cei­ling, inflicting 273695437912 Vol­ca­nic damage to pla­yers within 3 yards.
  • Shat­te­red Rock  Rock frag­ments inflict 136848383173 Natu­re damage to pla­yers stan­ding at the impact location
  • Vol­ca­nic Blast  The erup­ting seg­ment of Twis­ted Earth inflicts 328434410543 Vol­ca­nic damage to pla­yers in 7 yards, and knocks them away.


  • Abys­sal Bre­ath  Sar­ka­re­th takes in a deep bre­ath and flies to a locati­on, inflicting 410543492651 Sha­dow damage in a line and knoc­king pla­yers back.
  • Ast­ral For­mati­on  Sar­ka­re­th pulls seve­ral aste­ro­ids out of spa­ce to cra­sh into the ground. These for­mati­ons inflict 153269 Sha­dow damage to near­by pla­yers eve­ry 2 sec.
  • Cos­mic Ascensi­on  Sar­ka­re­th flies up throu­gh a void por­tal befo­re cra­shing throu­gh the flo­or and inflicting 10947811642171 Sha­dow damage to pla­yers within 30 yards and knoc­king back pla­yers struck.
  • Dazzled  The pla­yer’s sen­ses are dazzled, stun­ning them and inflicting 136888273695 Arca­ne damage eve­ry 1 sec for 20 sec.
  • Drif­ting Embers  Motes of fla­me fall from abo­ve, inflicting 158743328434 Fire damage and knoc­king back pla­yers within 4.5 yards of the impact.
  • Scor­ching Bomb  Sar­ka­re­th pla­ces seve­ral Scor­ching Bombs near­by pla­yers. Each inflicts 229904355804 Fire damage to pla­yers within 10 yards eve­ry 1 sec. After 12 sec, the bombs explo­de with a Scor­ching Detonation.
  • Void Bomb  Sar­ka­re­th pla­ces Void Bombs near­by pla­yers. Each inflicts 131374218956 Sha­dow damage to pla­yers within 12 yards eve­ry 1 sec. After 20 sec, the bombs explo­de with a Void Surge.
  • Void Sur­ge  The bomb erupts with void ener­gy, inflicting 153269246326 Sha­dow damage to all pla­yers eve­ry 1 sec for 4 sec.


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