Patch 10.1.5 — Chystané změny u mágů

od | 12. května 2023 | Public Test Realm, Retail WoW | 1 komentář

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 22 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývo­já­ři se roz­hod­li, že se podí­va­jí na zou­bek mágům. V Patchi 10.1.5 se tak mágo­vé dočka­jí zásad­ních změn, kte­ré budou zna­me­nat napří­klad odstra­ně­ní Rune of Power, změ­ní se fun­go­vá­ní caps­to­nů a mno­ho dalšího.

Dal jsem dohro­ma­dy krát­ký seznam věcí, kte­rý se změ­ní a co na mágy čeká. Kom­plet­ní infor­ma­ce o změ­nách si může­te pře­číst v ori­gi­nál­ním zně­ní v mod­rém pří­spěv­ku níže.

Základní shrnutí

  • Mágo­vé se dočka­jí odstra­ně­ní Rune of Power.
  • Změ­ní se fun­go­vá­ní capstonů.
  • Budou upra­ve­ny talen­to­vé stromy.
  • Arca­ne mágo­vé se dočka­jí lep­ší­ho AoE poškození.
  • Fire mágo­vé by se měli dočkat i zají­ma­věj­ších AoE buil­dů než je stac­ko­vá­ní Ignite.
  • U Frost mágů se budou řešit hlav­ně talen­ty, kte­ré nejsou moc vyu­ží­va­né. Záro­veň by vývo­já­ři rádi změ­ni­li fun­go­vá­ní ‚mini­mál­ní­ho množ­ství Ice Lan­ce‘ buil­dů, kte­ré pod­le nich není správné.

Originální příspěvek

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
Hello fellow Mages!

In the Fractu­res in Time PTR, we have some upda­tes coming to both the Class and Arca­ne talent tre­es. We’re also wor­king on chan­ges for Fire and Frost in futu­re PTR builds. Below, we’ll cover some high-level chan­ges as well as our plans moving forward.


The current Mage class tree has a vari­e­ty of talents which offer a vari­e­ty of uti­li­ty and sur­vi­va­bi­li­ty talents opti­ons, but with its current lay­out, a lot of that cho­ice feels dif­ficult to navi­ga­te. This is due to the natu­re of the­ir current caps­to­nes and how impact­ful and impor­tant they are to the ove­rall rotati­on for each of the specs. In Fractu­res in Time, we’re making a few chan­ges such as making some abi­li­ties base­li­ne, remo­ving Rune of Power, a sli­ght­ly new tree lay­out, and adding 3 new caps­to­ne abi­li­ties to repla­ce Shif­ting Power and Mete­or. We’ll high­li­ght some of tho­se lar­ger chan­ges below.

Rune of Power

We’re remo­ving Rune of Power from the class tree and shif­ting some of its loss power direct­ly into all Mage abi­li­ties that deal damage. Whi­le the deci­si­on to remo­ve Rune of Power wasn’t easy, we feel it is best for the long-term heal­th of the class. Fighting within a Rune of Power is almost man­da­to­ry to maxi­mi­ze your damage as a Mage and any sort of mecha­nic that for­ces you out of it for a pro­lon­ged peri­od of time ends up fee­ling incre­di­bly punishing to your ove­rall throughput.

In Raid, Mythic+, and PvP, having a pla­yer com­mit to a small spa­ce for 12 seconds is a lar­ge ask and one that just doesn’t feel fun to play around, as frequent as Rune of Power is. By remo­ving Rune of Power we’re able to shift more of the Mage’s damage into the­ir abi­li­ties base­li­ne whi­le also lea­ving us room to further ampli­fy the­ir big cool­downs (Arca­ne Sur­ge, Com­bus­ti­on, and Icy Veins) if necessa­ry. Whi­le we expect it to be a lar­ge adjust­ment at first, we’re con­fi­dent that this will be an ove­rall boon for Mages in the future.

Tree Layout

Whi­le the ove­rall structu­re of the class tree has chan­ged, we’ve made a few key adjust­ments that should allow for a litt­le more cus­to­mi­zati­on when spec’ing into your class tree. The total num­ber of caps­to­nes has been redu­ced from 5 to 3. At the moment, Mage’s caps­to­nes have a wide vari­e­ty of power that offer dif­fe­rent levels of throu­gh­put or sur­vi­va­bi­li­ty and uti­li­ty. The dif­fe­ren­ce in damage throu­gh­put and utility/sur­vi­va­bi­li­ty at the caps­to­ne level has pro­ven to be somewhat pro­ble­ma­tic for Mage and the­ir abi­li­ty to feel free to cus­to­mi­ze the­ir tree as they see fit. The tree is now structu­red to offer 3 caps­to­nes with the cen­ter caps­to­ne (Time Anomaly/Tem­po­ral Warp) offe­ring the only throu­gh­put and the left and right caps­to­nes offe­ring dif­fe­rent uti­li­ty or sur­vi­va­bi­li­ty for you to con­si­der based on the con­tent you might be run­ning. The goal here with the new structu­re is to offer a litt­le more fle­xi­bi­li­ty within the class tree and fee­ling less man­da­to­ry to pick up both Shif­ting Power and Time Anomaly/Tem­po­ral Warp cho­ice node.

New capstones

We have 3 new caps­to­nes avai­la­ble which offer a dif­fe­rent vari­e­ty of gameplay cho­ices based on the con­tent you might be run­ning. Ice Cold is a talent that modi­fies your Ice Block so you are able to cast whi­le it is acti­ve, but you are no lon­ger immu­ne to damage and inste­ad take gre­at­ly redu­ced damage for a shor­ter durati­on. The other two talents are a cho­ice node for Mass Invi­si­bi­li­ty and Mass Barrier which as the names imply allow you to cast Invi­si­bi­li­ty on your near­by allies or cast your Specialization’s Barrier on up to 3 near­by allies.


Going into Fractu­res in Time, we want to focus on giving Arca­ne Mages a more con­si­s­tent way to deal AoE damage without having to rely on Touch of the Magi or Radi­ant Spark win­dows whe­re quick mob deaths or move­ment can gre­at­ly hin­der the­ir per­for­man­ce. Arca­ne also has a few talents that offer a vari­e­ty of uti­li­ty but felt inac­ces­si­ble based on the­ir posi­ti­on on the tree, pathing in the tree, or lack of points after fil­ling out the­ir cho­sen build. To com­bat this, we’ve shif­ted a few things base­li­ne most notably Arca­ne Barrage and Clear­ca­s­ting and upda­ted the pathing on a few talents.


We’ve rewor­ked Orb Barrage caps­to­ne talent into some­thing a litt­le more con­si­s­tent and like­ly fami­li­ar to Legi­on Arca­ne pla­yers. Orb Barrage now gives your Arca­ne Barrage a chan­ce per Arca­ne Char­ge spent to hurl an Arca­ne Orb at your tar­get. This talent should give a much-nee­ded way to both send out some con­si­s­tent AoE damage whi­le also giving a ste­a­dy stre­am of Arca­ne Char­ge gene­rati­on when fighting lar­ge packs. We’ve also added a new talent “Con­cen­t­ra­ted Power” which gives more pur­po­se to your Clear­ca­s­ting and Arca­ne Explo­si­on whi­le in AoE hea­vy fights. This talent causes your Arca­ne Explo­si­on to echo an addi­ti­o­nal time for a % of its ori­gi­nal damage.

Tree Layout

We’ve also upda­ted Arcane’s tree to be a litt­le more fle­xi­ble when try­ing to pick up unique nodes that aren’t alwa­ys direct­ly throu­gh­put. We’ve shif­ted Arca­ne Barrage and Clear­ca­s­ting base­li­ne, untied Rever­be­ra­te from Nether Tem­pest, added new con­necti­ons from Nether Tem­pest, and remo­ved the Arca­ne Power talent and fol­ded its power into Arca­ne Sur­ge. The goal with these chan­ges is to give you a couple extra points to play with and cre­a­te a more posi­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ce as you navi­ga­te throu­gh the tree ena­b­ling you to cre­a­te a spec tree that fits your needs.

Fire and Frost

Whi­le this round of Fractu­res in Time PTR only inclu­des Class and Arca­ne upda­tes, asi­de from the damage re-dis­tri­bu­ti­on from the Rune of Power chan­ge, we have not for­got­ten about Fire or Frost. We have plans for them in upco­ming PTR builds.


At the moment, Fire suf­fers from a one-build-fits-all talent tree. Which is pro­ble­ma­tic for a couple of rea­sons: the lack of choice/vari­e­ty gets sta­le after a whi­le, Igni­te dea­ling lar­ge por­ti­ons of damage in sin­gle tar­get, and AoE makes it incre­di­bly dif­ficult for us to sepa­ra­te­ly tune Sin­gle Tar­get or AoE damage for Fire during tuning pas­ses. Moving for­ward, we want to explo­re ways we can cre­a­te alter­na­ti­ve AoE builds that aren’t just Igni­te stac­king, redu­ce the amount of 2‑point nodes to free up a few points, and shift some abi­li­ties base­li­ne such as Fla­mestri­ke and Cau­te­ri­ze. These aren’t final or com­pre­hensi­ve chan­ges, but hope­fully give a good idea of our goals for Fire moving forward.


Moving for­ward with Frost we’re loo­king into the les­ser pic­ked talents that offer a dif­fe­rent gameplay sty­le com­pa­red to the “meta” builds but gene­rally under­per­form. Talents like Ray of Frost and Gla­cial Spi­ke offer unique alter­na­ti­ves to the stan­dard rotati­on but given the­ir current impact and lack of syner­gy within the tree they beco­me a hard thing to opt into. Addi­ti­o­nally, we’re taking a look into the “mini­mal Ice Lan­ce” builds, as this shouldn’t be the correct way to play Frost. Ice Lan­ce should be an impact­ful but­ton that is pla­yed around rather than mini­mally cast due to the amount of modi­fiers of other talents and damage sour­ces pre­ven­ting it from being so. The­re are also some talents we want to reas­sess in the talent tree and inste­ad move base­li­ne such as Bliz­zard and Cold Snap. Last­ly, the amount of talents requi­red to make Icy Veins feel like a high impact cool­down is rela­ti­ve­ly high, we would like to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to see if we can make it stand on its own a litt­le more.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This is just the start of Mage chan­ges for Fractu­res in Time, and we have plen­ty plan­ned for the futu­re. As we navi­ga­te our way throu­gh the Fractu­res in Time PTR, we look for­ward to your feedback.



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