Patch 10.1.5 – Vývojářské poznámky k 12. květnu 2023

od | 12. května 2023 | Public Test Realm, Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 22 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Krát­ce po spuš­tě­ní Pub­lic Test Real­mů vydal Bliz­zard i ofi­ci­ál­ní vývo­jář­ské poznám­ky, kte­ré roz­ši­řu­jí někte­ré infor­ma­ce z ofi­ci­ál­ní­ho před­sta­ve­ní aktu­a­li­za­ce. Záro­veň obsa­hu­je i něko­lik změn pro jed­not­li­vá povolání.

Dá se oče­ká­vat, že se vývo­jář­ské poznám­ky budou postup­ně měnit a pře­dě­lá­vat. Je tak potře­ba je brát s men­ší rezer­vou. Stej­ně jako u před­cho­zích aktu­a­li­za­cí je PTR hlav­ně od toho, aby se vše pořád­ně otes­to­va­lo a pří­pad­ně upravilo.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

This Pub­lic Test Realm (PTR) is a tes­ting envi­ron­ment for the con­tent coming with the Dra­gon­fli­ght Fractu­res in Time update.

Dragonflight Fractures in Time Update Development Notes


Emberthal and Ebys­si­an are wor­king toge­ther to rele­a­se the Black dra­gon­fli­ght essen­ce that had been sipho­ned from the Dracthyr during the­ir long stasis, unloc­king memo­ries and powers for­got­ten to them. All Evo­kers now can cho­o­se to explo­re Aze­ro­th as a new spe­ci­a­li­zati­on: Augmentation.

Aug­men­tati­on is a Damage Dea­ler role that uses the essen­ce of the Black and Bron­ze dra­gon­fli­ghts to ampli­fy the abi­li­ties of near­by allies. The­ir pla­ysty­le cen­ters on empowering allies to incre­a­se the­ir damage out­put, and using the Evoker’s direct damage spells to impro­ve these empower­ments’ effects. Augmentation’s core capa­bi­li­ties will feel fami­li­ar to Evo­ker pla­yers, such as spen­ding Essen­ce, cas­ting empower spells, and using the­ir mobi­li­ty to navi­ga­te the batt­le­field. However, the spe­ci­a­li­zati­on also intro­du­ces many new tools for the Evo­ker to mani­pu­la­te the envi­ron­ment in the­ir favor, and assist the­ir allies.

The quest “The 5th Essen­ce” is avai­la­ble for Evo­kers to try out the­ir new spe­ci­a­li­zati­on and what it means to the dracthyr at lar­ge. The quest is still under deve­lo­p­ment and will be upda­ted on the PTR throu­gh the weeks to come.

Aug­men­tati­on has a fully pla­ya­ble talent tree, and many new spells for pla­yers to enjoy. A few spells are high­li­gh­ted below, but see our web article for more infor­mati­on, and check out Aug­men­tati­on on the PTR star­ting today!

  • Ebon Might – Incre­a­se your 4 nea­rest allies’ pri­ma­ry stat by a per­cen­tage of your own, and cause your Erup­ti­on to deal more damage for 10 seconds. Your other spells extend the durati­on of these effects. 1.5 second cast, 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Uphea­val – Gather earthen power bene­ath your enemy’s feet and send them hurt­ling upwards, dea­ling Vol­ca­nic damage to them and near­by ene­mies. Empowering expands the area of effect. 2.5 second empower, 40 second cooldown.
  • Bre­ath of Eons – Fly to the tar­ge­ted locati­on, expo­sing Tem­po­ral Wounds on ene­mies in your path for 10 seconds. Tem­po­ral Wounds accu­mu­la­te a por­ti­on of damage dealt by your allies, and then cri­ti­cally stri­ke the ene­my for that amount. 1.5 minu­te cool­down. Repla­ces Deep Breath.
  • Dra­co­nic Attu­ne­ments (Pas­si­ve) – Learn to attu­ne your­self to the essen­ce of the Black or Bron­ze dragonflights: 
    • Black Attu­ne­ment grants you and your 4 nea­rest allies incre­a­sed maxi­mum health.
    • Bron­ze Attu­ne­ment grants you and your 4 nea­rest allies incre­a­sed move­ment speed.


The War­lock class will beco­me avai­la­ble to Night Elves, Dra­e­nei, Light­for­ged Dra­e­nei, Pan­da­ren, Kul Tiran, Tau­ren, Highmoun­ta­in Tau­ren, Mag’har Orcs, and Zan­da­la­ri Trolls.

War­locks will also be able to under­ta­ke a new quest line star­ting with the quest “Begin­ning Imposi­ti­ons” which will unlock a new imp pet cus­to­mi­zati­on. Pla­yers will also be able to visit the Bar­ber­shop to cus­to­mi­ze the­ir pets.

  • Deve­lo­pers’ note: War­lock gly­phs are now on-use Gri­mo­i­res to unlock pet cus­to­mi­zati­ons. Gri­mo­i­res can be lear­ned on the PTR this week, but selecting the appea­ran­ce of your pets in the Bar­ber­shop will be avai­la­ble in a futu­re PTR update.


  • Added 5 new fur colors for Worgen.
  • All rest­ricti­ons for unloc­king Allied Races have been remo­ved, with the excep­ti­on of a level requirement.
  • All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 cha­rac­ter on your account (was level 50).
  • Newly cre­a­ted Allied Race cha­rac­ters will now be direc­ted to Chro­mie, not the warboard.
  • Cha­rac­ters now learn the appro­pri­a­te mount riding skill upon rea­ching the appro­pri­a­te level without nee­ding to visit a mount trainer: 
    • Level 10 — Appren­ti­ce Riding
    • Level 20 — Jour­ney­man Riding
    • Level 30 — Expert Riding
    • Level 40 — Mas­ter Riding 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Riding tra­i­ners will still exist in the world, but you will be una­ble to pur­cha­se riding skills from them.
  • Cha­rac­ters that reach level 30 will rece­i­ve the quest “Time to Fly” and be awar­ded with a fly­ing mount, Har­bor Gry­phon for Alli­an­ce cha­rac­ters and Scar­let Pterror­dax for Hor­de characters.


    • Guar­di­an
      • Inna­te Resol­ve has been rede­signed – Fren­zied Regeneration’s hea­ling is incre­a­sed by a value based on your mis­sing heal­th. Fren­zied Rege­ne­rati­on has 1 addi­ti­o­nal charge.
      • Raze no lon­ger repla­ces Maul.
      • Front of the Pack has been removed.
      • Dre­am of Cena­rius moved into row 2 from row 9.
      • Galactic Guar­di­an moved into row 6 from row 9.
      • Fla­shing Cla­ws moved to row 9 from row 8.
      • Scin­tilla­ting Moon­li­ght moved to row 9 from row 8.
      • Soul of the Forest posi­ti­on adjus­ted on row 6.
  • MAGE
    • Take a look at the developer’s notes in the Mage feedback thread 226.
    • All abi­li­ty damage incre­a­sed by 15%.
    • Invi­si­bi­li­ty is now lear­ned by all spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons at level 16.
    • Incanter’s Flow now repla­ces Invi­si­bi­li­ty in the Class tree.
    • Shif­ting Power has been moved to Incanter’s Flow pre­vi­ous location.
    • Rune of Power and Mete­or have been removed.
    • New Talent: Ice Cold – Ice Block now redu­ces all damage taken by 70% for 6 seconds but no lon­ger grants Immu­ni­ty, pre­vents move­ment, attacks, or cas­ting spells. Does not incur the Glo­bal Cooldown. 
      • Ice Cold is loca­ted on Shif­ting Power’s pre­vi­ous locati­on on the talent tree.
    • New Talent: Mass Barrier – Cast Prismatic/Blazing/Ice Barrier (based on your spe­ci­a­li­zati­on) on your­self and 3 near­by allies. 2 minu­te cooldown. 
      • Mass Barrier is loca­ted as a cho­ice node with Mass Invisibility.
    • New Talent: Mass Invi­si­bi­li­ty – You and your allies within 40 yards instant­ly beco­me invi­si­ble for 10 seconds. Taking any acti­on will can­cel the effect. Does not affect allies in combat. 
      • Mass Invi­si­bi­li­ty loca­ted as a cho­ice node with Mass Barrier.
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: The PvP Talent for Arca­ne will be upda­ted in a futu­re PTR build.
    • Accu­mu­la­te Shiel­ding is now a 1 rank talent (was 2). Barrier cool­downs now rechar­ge 30% fas­ter whi­le the shield per­sists at rank 1.
    • Accu­mu­la­te Shiel­ding now con­nects to the Time Anomaly/Temporal Warp cho­ice node.
    • Time Mani­pu­lati­on is now a 1 rank talent (was 2). Now redu­ces the cool­down of your loss of con­t­rol abi­li­ties by 2 seconds at rank 1.
    • Time Mani­pu­lati­on now con­nects to the Time Anomaly/Temporal Warp cho­ice node.
    • Dis­pla­ce­ment now heals the cas­ter for 20% of the­ir maxi­mum heal­th when retur­ning to the Blink location.
    • Winter’s Pro­tecti­on now redu­ces the cool­down of Ice Block by 30 seconds per rank.
    • Dis­pla­ce­ment is now loca­ted after Flow of Time.
    • Gre­a­ter Invi­si­bi­li­ty now repla­ces Invi­si­bi­li­ty when talen­ted and is loca­ted below Tem­po­ral Velocity.
    • Arca­ne
      • Arca­ne Power has been removed.
      • Arca­ne Sur­ge durati­on has been incre­a­sed by 3 seconds and now incre­a­ses spell damage by 35% (was 10%).
      • New Talent: Con­cen­t­ra­ted Power – Clear­ca­s­ting makes your next Arca­ne Mis­si­les chan­nel 20% fas­ter or causes your next Arca­ne Explo­si­on to echo for 40% damage.
      • Orb Barrage has been rede­signed – Arca­ne Barrage has a 10% chan­ce per Arca­ne Char­ge con­su­med to launch an Arca­ne Orb in front of you.
      • Clear­ca­s­ting no lon­ger makes Arca­ne Mis­si­les chan­nel time faster.
      • Arca­ne Barrage is now lear­ned base­li­ne at level 11.
      • Clear­ca­s­ting is now lear­ned base­li­ne at level 12.
      • Rever­be­ra­te is no lon­ger a cho­ice node with Nether Tem­pest and is loca­ted direct­ly after Arca­ne Missiles.
      • Siphon Storm no lon­ger grants Arca­ne Char­ges and now hal­ves Evocation’s chan­nel time.
      • Nether Tem­pest now con­nects to Chro­no Shift and Super­no­va in the Arca­ne tree.
      • Impro­ved Prisma­tic Barrier redu­ces magic damage taken by 10% (was 5%) and redu­ces harm­ful Magic effect durati­ons by 15% (was 10%).
      • Impro­ved Prisma­tic Barrier no lon­ger con­nects to Touch of the Magi.
      • Arcing Clea­ve no lon­ger con­nects to Touch of the Magi.
  • MONK
    • New Talent: Yu’lon’s Gra­ce – Find resi­li­en­ce in the flow of chi in batt­le, gai­ning a magic absorb shield for 2% of your max heal­th eve­ry 2 seconds in com­bat, stac­king up to 20%. 
      • Yu’lon’s Gra­ce is loca­ted as a cho­ice node with Dif­fuse Magic.
    • New Talent: Dan­ce of the Wind – Your Dod­ge chan­ce is incre­a­sed by 10%. 
      • Dan­ce of the Wind is loca­ted as a cho­ice node with Dam­pen Harm.
    • Take a look at the developer’s notes in the Pala­din feedback thread 81.
    • Holy
      • Bles­sing of Fre­e­dom is now gran­ted by default for Holy Paladins.
      • Echo­ing Bles­sings is now loca­ted on the class tree for Holy Paladins.
      • The spe­ci­a­li­zati­on tree has seen lay­out adjustments: 
        • New talent nodes.
        • Gli­m­mer of Light has moved to row 2 (was row 10).
        • Power of the Sil­ver Hand has moved to row 6 (was row 8).
        • Tower of Radi­an­ce has moved to row 7 (was row 6).
        • Com­man­ding Light is now a 1 point node.
        • Divi­ne Glimpse is now a 1 point node.
        • Sancti­fied Wrath, Divi­ne Pro­tecti­on, Holy Light, Divi­ne Insi­ght, and Bes­tow Fai­th removed.
      • Holy Light is now lear­ned base­li­ne at level 11.
      • Divi­ne Pro­tecti­on is now lear­ned base­li­ne at level 26.
      • Gli­m­mer of Light hea­ling incre­a­sed by 500% and damage incre­a­sed by 1000%.
      • Gli­m­mer of Light’s hea­ling and damage is now redu­ced per acti­ve Gli­m­mer of Light. Now cap­ped at 3 targets.
      • Gli­m­mer of Light’s aura no lon­ger appears on the per­so­nal resour­ce display.
      • Holy Shock hea­ling redu­ced by 15% and cool­down incre­a­sed to 8.5 seconds (was 7.5 seconds).
      • Holy Shock no lon­ger has an incre­a­sed chan­ce to cri­ti­cally strike.
      • Judg­ment now gene­ra­tes 1 Holy Power and costs 12% base mana (was 3%).
      • Barrier of Fai­th costs 12% base mana (was 16%) and ini­tial absorb incre­a­sed by 66%.
      • Ham­mer of Wrath cool­down incre­a­sed by 100% and damage incre­a­sed by 80%.
      • Tyr’s Deli­ve­ran­ce hea­ling incre­a­sed by 40% and now has a 40 yard ran­ge (was 20 yards).
      • New Talent: Bea­con of the Lightbrin­ger – Mas­te­ry: Lightbrin­ger now incre­a­ses your hea­ling based on the target’s pro­xi­mi­ty to either you or your Bea­con of Light, whi­che­ver is closer.
      • New Talent: Light’s Con­victi­on – Holy Shock now has 2 charges.
      • New Talent: Holy Infusi­on – Crusa­der Stri­ke gene­ra­tes 1 addi­ti­o­nal Holy Power and deals 25% more damage.
      • New Talent: Glis­te­ning Radi­an­ce – Spen­ding Holy Power has a 15% chan­ce to tri­g­ger Gli­m­mer of Light’s hea­ling and damage.
      • New Talent: Over­flowing Light – 50% of Gli­m­mer of Light’s overhe­a­ling is con­ver­ted into an absorb shield. The shield amount can­not exce­ed 15% of your max health.
      • New Talent: Light’s Pro­tecti­on – Your Holy Power spen­ders have a 20% chan­ce to redu­ce the damage your allies with Gli­m­mer of Light take by 8% for 4 seconds.
      • New Talent: Righ­te­ous Judg­ment – Judg­ment has a 50% chan­ce to cast Con­secrati­on at the target’s locati­on. The limit on Con­secrati­on does not apply to this effect.
      • New Talent: Hand of Divi­ni­ty – Call upon the Light, causing your next 2 Holy Lights to heal 80% more and be instant cast.
      • New Talent: Shi­ning Righ­te­ousness – Shield of the Righ­te­ous deals damage to its first tar­get struck. Eve­ry 5 Shields of the Righ­te­ous make your next Word of Glo­ry or Light of Dawn free.
      • New Talent: Day­bre­ak – Absorb the power from within your acti­ve Gli­m­mer of Lights, acti­va­ting the­ir hea­ling and damage at 100% value and then gran­ting mana per Gli­m­mer of Light consumed.
      • New Talent: Rising Sun­li­ght – After cas­ting Day­bre­ak, your next 3 Holy Shocks cast 2 addi­ti­o­nal times.
      • New Talent: Glo­ri­ous Dawn – Holy Shock has a 10% chan­ce to refund a char­ge on cast, incre­a­sing based on how many Gli­m­mer of Lights you have active.
      • Illu­mi­nati­on has been rede­signed – Gli­m­mer of Light can affect 5 addi­ti­o­nal targets.
      • Awa­ke­ning has been rede­signed – When you spend Holy Power, gain Awa­ke­ning. At 8/16 stacks of Awa­ke­ning, your next Judg­ment deals 30% incre­a­sed damage, will cri­ti­cally stri­ke, and acti­va­tes Aven­ging Wrath for 10 seconds.
      • Divi­ne Glimpse has been rede­signed – Holy Shock, Judg­ment, and Crusa­der Stri­ke have a 5% incre­a­sed cri­ti­cal stri­ke chance.
      • Vene­rati­on has been rede­signed – Ham­mer of Wrath heals up to 5 inju­red allies for 500% of the damage done, split even­ly among them. Fla­sh of Light, Holy Light, and Judg­ment cri­ti­cal stri­kes reset the cool­down of Ham­mer of Wrath and make it usa­ble on any tar­get, regar­dless of the­ir health.
      • Gre­a­ter Judg­ment has been rede­signed – Judg­ment deems the tar­gets unworthy, pre­ven­ting damage dealt by the target.
      • Rule of Law and Sancti­fied Wrath have been removed.
      • Light of Dawn hea­ling decre­a­sed by 10%.
      • Crusa­der Strike’s cool­down incre­a­sed by 50%.
      • Divi­ne Favor’s cool­down redu­ced to 30 seconds.
      • Unen­ding Light has moved to row 4.
      • Tirion’s Devo­ti­on now redu­ces the cool­down of Lay on Hands by 1.5 seconds per Holy Power spent (was 1 second).
      • Divi­ne Reve­lati­ons now refunds 2% base mana (was 1%) and incre­a­ses the hea­ling of Fla­sh of Light by 20%.
      • Power of the Sil­ver Hand may now addi­ti­o­nally tri­g­ger from Judgment.
      • Relent­less Inqui­si­tor rank 2 now causes the Has­te effect to stack up to 6 times (was 5).
      • Boundless Sal­vati­on causes Fla­sh of Light to extend the durati­on of Tyr’s Deli­ve­ran­ce by 5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds). Holy Light now extends Tyr’s Deli­ve­ran­ce by 10 seconds (was 5 seconds).
      • Tirion’s Devotion’s icon has changed.
      • Infusi­on of Light no lon­ger high­li­ghts the spells it effects on the acti­on bar.
    • Holy
      • Sea­ring Light has been removed.
      • Bur­ning Vehe­men­ce has moved to Sea­ring Light’s posi­ti­on in the talent tree and is now a 1‑point talent.
      • New Talent: Epi­pha­ny – Your Holy Words have a 13%/25% chan­ce to reset the cool­down of Pra­yer of Mending.
      • Epi­pha­ny has moved to Bur­ning Vehemence’s pre­vi­ous posi­ti­on in the talent tree.
      • Holy Word: Sancti­fy and Pra­yer of Hea­ling have swap­ped posi­ti­ons in the talent tree.


  • Inert Pho­enix Ash is now found on both vari­e­ties of fire ele­men­tals in the area it drops in (was only one type), and at a sig­ni­fi­cant­ly incre­a­sed drop rate.
  • Garri­son Hearths­to­ne and Dala­ran Hearths­to­ne are now toys.
  • Impro­ved Exile’s Reach item rewards.
    • Fro­zen Runes can now be found along the walls of Naxxra­mas for pla­yers inte­res­ted in craf­ting lega­cy Frost Resist patterns.


    • Aura of Rec­ko­ning (PvP Talent) has been removed.
    • Sha­dow
      • Mind Trau­ma now grants 4% Has­te per stack (was 3%) and can now stack up to 6 times (was 8).
      • Mind Trau­ma now also works with Mind Spi­ke and Void Torrent. It grants 1 stack of its effect when cas­ting Mind Spi­ke and 3 stacks of its effect when fully chan­ne­ling a Void Torrent.


    • The dra­gons have more eggs than they can han­dle, so they’ve called in the crew at the Litt­le Sca­les Day­ca­re to help. The crew quick­ly finds itself overwhel­med, and so asks the pla­yer (as a gre­at fri­end of the dra­gons) for help.
    • Gui­de five dra­gon whel­ps as they grow and learn. Teach the whel­ps (and pla­yers) about the dra­gon flights.
    • Chro­mie will now teach you what Chro­mie Time is, sug­gest time­li­nes to cho­o­se, and sha­re the ope­ning cinematics.
    • The maxi­mum level in Chro­mie Time is now 61 (was level 60).
    • Chro­mie Time expan­si­on rest­ricti­ons have been removed.
  • “The Dra­gon Isles Await!” now pro­vi­des an item that lets you tele­port to your capi­tal city to begin your jour­ney to the Dra­gon Isles immediately.
  • Dra­gon­fli­ght, Sha­dowlands, and Batt­le for Aze­ro­th dun­ge­on quests are now also avai­la­ble insi­de the­ir respecti­ve dungeons.
  • Both Exile’s Reach and Batt­le for Aze­ro­th now have cam­paigns to make it easier to track pro­gress and pick up whe­re you left off.
  • The quest line into Mecha­gon now starts at level 30 (was level 50).
  • Alli­an­ce pla­yers can now enter Nazja­tar after com­ple­ting “A Nati­on Divi­ded” (was “Unloc­king the World”).
  • Avai­la­ble star­ter zone quest lines and Batt­le for Aze­ro­th side quests now dis­play on the zone map.
  • Intro­ducti­on to the capi­tal cities after lea­ving Exile’s Reach has been improved.


    • You can now track uncollec­ted transmog appea­ran­ces by Shift clic­king it in the Collecti­ons pane.
    • This adds it to your Objecti­ve Trac­ker. Click the icon to super­track it, just like you would for a quest.
    • Current­ly, you can only track appea­ran­ces sour­ced from ven­dors, dun­ge­ons, and raids. Hold down Shift to see which appea­ran­ces can be tracked.
    • For appea­ran­ces that have mul­tiple items, press Tab to cycle throu­gh them and Shift click to track the current­ly selec­ted one.
    • Click on a trac­ked item in the Objecti­ve Trac­ker to open its locati­on on the map.
    • For appea­ran­ces that come from dun­ge­ons and raids, click on a boss name in the Objecti­ve Trac­ker to open the Dun­ge­on or Raid Journal.
  • Acti­on bar icons have upda­ted ani­mati­ons for: 
    • Spell pro­cs
    • Interrup­ted casts
  • Group Loot roll toast pla­ys a new ani­mati­on when you roll Need for your main specialization.
  • Are­na unit fra­mes have been updated: 
    • Are­na fra­mes now use the com­pact unit fra­mes style.
    • Edit Mode inclu­des settings for wid­th, hei­ght, and bor­der and allows you to pre­view dif­fe­rent are­na sizes (2v2, 3v3, 5v5).
    • Are­na fra­me settings have been added under Opti­ons > Inter­fa­ce > Are­na Ene­my Frames.
    • PvP trin­ket sta­tus has been added to the right of the enemy’s frame.
    • An icon indi­ca­ting the enemy’s spe­ci­a­li­zati­on is now shown during the pre-match pha­se. Pre-match fra­mes can’t be used for tar­ge­ting and don’t show power bars.
    • Cha­rac­ter tool­tips now show the player’s specialization.
  • An ani­ma­ted glow has been added to bet­ter high­li­ght nee­ded roles for Rated Solo Shuffle.
  • Text-to-Spe­ech now has opti­ons for Item Loot, Curren­cy, and Money Loot chat messages.



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