PTR Patch 10.1 — Novinky, změny a vývoj k 28. březnu 2023

od | 29. března 2023 | Public Test Realm, Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 21 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývoj patche 10.1 pokra­ču­je a není dne, kdy bychom se nedo­čka­li něja­ké té zprá­vy, novin­ky nebo zají­ma­vé­ho před­mě­tu, kte­rý byl v sou­bo­rech spat­řen. Ten­to­krát si pro nás vývo­já­ři při­pra­vi­li rela­tiv­ně dlou­hý seznam změn, kte­ré byly na Pub­lic Test Realm nahrány.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

Hello adven­tu­rers! The Embers of Nel­tha­ri­on PTR has been upda­ted with the following changes:


    • The Vor­tex Pin­nacle is avai­la­ble with this week’s Mythic+ test.
    • The­re are new affi­xes and adjus­ted affi­xes avai­la­ble for tes­ting. Pla­yers can pur­cha­se scrolls from the keysto­ne ven­dor to add to these to the­ir keystone. 
      • New Affix: Incor­po­re­al – Whi­le in com­bat, incor­po­re­al beings appear and attempt to desta­bi­li­ze pla­yers with spells that redu­ce the­ir damage and hea­ling done. Incor­po­re­al beings are suscep­ti­ble to all forms of crowd control.
      • New Affix: Afflic­ted – Whi­le in com­bat, Afflic­ted Souls appear that seek the aid of pla­yers. Afflic­ted Souls spa­wn with poi­son, cur­se, and dise­a­se afflicti­ons. Remo­ving any of these afflicti­ons or res­to­ring the spi­rit to full heal­th causes it to despa­wn. Fail to remo­ve the­ir afflicti­ons in time will inflict pla­yers with a nega­ti­ve sta­tus effect.
      • New Affix: Entan­g­ling – Whi­le in com­bat, entan­g­ling vines sna­re players.
      • Upda­ted Affix: Explo­si­ve – Fewer Explo­si­ve Orbs spa­wn, but they now have sub­stan­ti­ally higher health.
    • The following affi­xes have been reti­red for Dra­gon­fli­ght Sea­son 2: 
      • Qua­king
      • Grie­vous
      • Vol­ca­nic
    • We’re loo­king for feedback on keysto­ne combinations: 
      • Keysto­ne Level 4 Affixes: 
        • Spi­te­ful
        • San­gui­ne
        • Burs­ting
        • Bol­ste­ring
        • Raging
      • Keysto­ne Level 7 Affixes: 
        • Incor­po­re­al
        • Afflic­ted
        • Entan­g­ling
        • Explo­si­ve
        • Stor­ming


  • Dis­count cost tool­tip added.


  • 4 new eye colors and 5 new hair colors for Nightborne. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: The new eye colors for male Night­bor­ne will be avai­la­ble in a later PTR update.


    • Frost
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – How­ling Blast damage incre­a­sed by 20%. Con­su­ming Rime incre­a­ses the damage of your next Frostwyrm’s Fury by 5%, stac­king 10 times. Pillar of Frost calls a Frostwyrm’s Fury at 40% effecti­ve­ness that can­not Fre­e­ze enemies.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Frostwyrm’s Fury causes ene­mies hit to take 25% incre­a­sed damage from your Cri­ti­cal Stri­kes for 12 seconds.
    • Unho­ly
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Death Coil and Epi­de­mic damage incre­a­sed by 10%. Cas­ting Death Coil or Epi­de­mic grants a stack of Mas­ter of Death, up to 20. Dark Trans­for­mati­on con­su­mes Mas­ter of Death and grants 1% Mas­te­ry for each stack for 20 seconds.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Army of the Dead grants 20 stacks of Mas­ter of Death. When Death Coil or Epi­de­mic con­su­mes Sud­den Doom, gain 2 extra stacks of Mas­ter of Death and 10% Mas­te­ry for 6 seconds.
    • Havoc
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Gain Seething Fury eve­ry 175 Fury you spend (was 200).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Each time you gain Seething Fury, the damage of your next Eye Beam is incre­a­sed by 15% (was 12%).
    • Balan­ce
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We’re con­ti­nuing to work to tune Balance’s damage com­posi­ti­on and resour­ce gene­rati­on. Wrath and Star­fi­re gai­ned a lot of the Ast­ral Power gene­rati­on in 10.1, and we’re moving some of that incre­a­se into more pas­si­ve sour­ces to make Balan­ce Dru­ids a litt­le more mobi­le. We’re giving Stellar Fla­re a boost to make it a valid opti­on in low tar­get sce­na­ri­os. We’re redu­cing Ratt­le the Stars’ top end a litt­le to bring it more in line with other talents and making it a litt­le easier to maintain.
      • Wrath damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • Stellar Fla­re damage incre­a­sed 12%. Stellar Fla­re Ast­ral Power gene­rati­on incre­a­sed to 12 (was 10).
      • Chan­ce for Sho­o­ting Stars to fall incre­a­sed by 15%.
      • Soul of the Forest now incre­a­ses Wrath Ast­ral Power gain by 30% (was 50%) and incre­a­ses Starfire’s damage and Ast­ral Power gene­rati­on by 20% for each tar­get bey­ond the first, up to 60% (was 30% and 90%).
      • Goldrinn’s Fang damage redu­ced by 10%.
      • Ratt­le the Stars durati­on incre­a­sed to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
      • Ratt­le the Stars damage bonus redu­ced to 8% per stack (was 10% per stack).
      • New Moon, Half Moon, Full Moon, and Fury of Elu­ne Ast­ral Power gene­rati­on incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Sun­fi­re, Moon­fi­re, and Sho­o­ting Stars damage incre­a­sed by 20% (was 18%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Cra­shing Star damage incre­a­sed to 76.5% of Spell Power (was 72%).
    • Res­to­rati­on
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Reju­ve­nati­on and Life­blo­om hea­ling incre­a­sed by 12% (was 15%). Regrowth hea­ling over time incre­a­sed by 50% (was 75%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Flou­rish incre­a­ses the rate of your heal over time effects by 30% for an addi­ti­o­nal 16 seconds after it ends (was 40%).
    • Sur­vi­val
      • Lunge’s Wil­d­fi­re Bomb cool­down reducti­on now requi­res you to have a 2‑handed wea­pon equipped.
  • MAGE
    • Arca­ne
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – For eve­ry 24,000 mana spent on and during Arca­ne Sur­ge, your spell damage is incre­a­sed by 1% for 12 seconds after Arca­ne Sur­ge fades, stac­king up to 25 times. Mana rege­ne­rati­on is incre­a­sed by 50% for this time.
  • MONK
    • Mis­twea­ver
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Renewing Mists has a chan­ce to grant Soulfang Infusi­on, gran­ting 3% of your maxi­mum Mana over 3 seconds. (was 5% over 5 seconds). 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This chan­ge was deployed late last week to PTR.
    • Win­dwal­ker
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Rising Sun Kick deals 12% incre­a­sed damage and goes nova, dea­ling Sha­dow­fla­me damage to all ene­mies within 8 yards.
    • Seal of the Crusa­der damage incre­a­sed by 100%.
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Judg­ment cri­ti­cal stri­kes apply Heart­fi­re and can tri­g­ger Grand Crusader. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Addi­ti­o­nally, the chan­ce for Judgment’s cri­ti­cal stri­kes to tri­g­ger Grand Crusa­der has been sig­ni­fi­cant­ly incre­a­sed, whi­le still respecting pla­yers’ talent selections.
    • Retri­bu­ti­on
      • Templar’s Ver­dict now correct­ly tri­g­gers Empy­re­an Legacy.
      • Con­secrati­on, Divi­ne Ham­mer, and Divi­ne Storm tool­tips now correct­ly upda­te when Bur­ning Crusa­de is talented.
      • Crusa­ding Stri­kes tool­tip now upda­tes damage types correctly.
      • Expur­gati­on tool­tip has been upda­ted to be clearer.
      • Art of War chan­ged to a circle on the talent tree.
      • Templar’s Ver­dict and Justicar’s Ven­ge­an­ce chan­ged to a squa­re on the talent tree.
      • Sea­ring Light is now called down upon the tar­get rather than on yourself.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Judg­ment and Ham­mer of Wrath deal 10% incre­a­sed damage and 20% incre­a­sed cri­ti­cal stri­ke damage. Ham­mer of Wrath applies Judg­ment to enemies.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Judg­ment incre­a­ses the damage ene­mies take from your Holy Power spen­ders by an addi­ti­o­nal 5%. Ham­mer of Wrath now hits 4 near­by ene­mies for 20% of its damage.
    • Dis­ci­pli­ne
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Sha­dow Word: Pain/Purge the Wic­ked damage incre­a­sed by 25%. Power Word: Shield absorbs 20% addi­ti­o­nal damage.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Eve­ry 3 casts of Power Word: Shield cause your next Ato­ne­ment gran­ted by Power Word: Shield to last an addi­ti­o­nal 15 seconds and heal 20% more.
    • Holy
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – When you cast Pra­yer of Men­ding, the­re is a 35% chan­ce its effect is dupli­ca­ted to ano­ther ally.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – When Pra­yer of Men­ding jumps or expi­res, it incre­a­ses the damage and hea­ling of your next Holy Word by 4%, stac­king up to 15 times. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This set bonus chan­ge will not be in this week’s PTR deploy, but will be in for a futu­re PTR build. We’re making this chan­ge to ensu­re that Holy’s 2‑piece bonus rema­ins in line with the other hea­ler set bonuses, regar­dless of tar­get count and ran­do­mness. This ite­rati­on should still offer strong value to the Holy priest kit and we’ll con­ti­nue to moni­tor its per­for­man­ce to ensu­re it does.
    • Sha­dow
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Incre­a­ses the chan­ce for Sha­dowy Insi­ght to tri­g­ger by 25%. When con­su­ming Sha­dowy Insi­ght, Mind Blast deals 30% incre­a­sed damage and gene­ra­tes 4 addi­ti­o­nal Insanity.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Devou­ring Pla­gue damage incre­a­sed by 15%. Eve­ry 4 casts of Devou­ring Pla­gue incre­a­ses the damage of Sha­dowy Appa­ri­ti­ons con­ju­red within the next 10 seconds by 80%.
    • Assas­si­nati­on
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Rup­tu­re deals an addi­ti­o­nal 40% damage as Natu­re. Crim­son Tem­pest deals an addi­ti­o­nal 20% damage as Natu­re (was 40%).
    • Outlaw
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Between the Eyes grants 5% Agi­li­ty for 15 seconds (was 7%). 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This set bonus chan­ge will not be in this week’s PTR deploy, but will be in for a futu­re PTR build.
    • Deeply Roo­ted Ele­ments should now acti­va­te more con­si­s­tent­ly for all specializations.
    • Enhan­ce­ment
      • Mael­strom Wea­pon damage incre­a­se now has a sepa­ra­te value from its hea­ling incre­a­se. This applies to Impro­ved Mael­strom Wea­pon and Raging Maelstrom.
    • Res­to­rati­on
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Hea­ling of Tidewa­ters incre­a­sed to 175% of Spell Power (was 140%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Each ally hea­led by Tidewa­ters incre­a­ses your hea­ling done by 1% for 6 seconds and incre­a­ses the hea­ling of your next Hea­ling Wave or Hea­ling Sur­ge by 10%, or your next Cha­in Heal by 2%.
    • Demo­no­lo­gy
      • From the Sha­dows has been rena­med to The Houndmaster’s Stratagem.
      • The tool­tip of The Houndmaster’s Stra­tagem has been upda­ted to the following – Dread­bi­te causes the tar­get to take 20% addi­ti­o­nal Sha­dow­fla­me damage from your spells and abi­li­ties for the next 12 seconds. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: It is inten­ti­o­nal that From the Sha­dows, now The Houndmaster’s Stra­tagem, does not bene­fit Demo­nic Tyrant or your other pets. We’re upda­ting the wor­ding of this tool­tip for clarity.
    • Destructi­on
      • Ruin no lon­ger incre­a­ses the damage of Chan­nel Demonfire.
      • Chan­nel Demon­fi­re damage incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • Sha­dowburn damage incre­a­sed by 20%. Does not apply in PvP combat.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Chan­nel Demon­fi­re bolts, Immo­la­te, and Inci­ne­ra­te have a chan­ce to fire an addi­ti­o­nal Demon­fi­re bolt.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 4‑Set Bonus has been rede­signed – Demon­fi­re bolts incre­a­se the Fire damage you deal by 1% for 13 seconds for each bolt cast, stac­king up to 8 times. Gai­ning a stack does not refre­sh the duration.
    • Arms
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble: 2‑Set Bonus has been adjus­ted – Deep Wounds cri­ti­cal stri­kes have a chan­ce to incre­a­se the damage of your next Slam by 15% (was 25%).


  • The PvP gear ven­dor loca­ted in Stor­mwind and Orgri­m­mar has been upda­ted to sell Sea­son 2 PvP gear for testing.
      • Spell­war­den (PvP Talent) has been removed.
      • Spell­war­den has been rede­signed – Redu­ces the cool­down of Anti-Magic Shell by 10 seconds but redu­ces its durati­on by 50%. Anti-Magic Shell is now usa­ble on allies.
      • New PvP Talent: Blo­od­for­ged Armor – Death Stri­ke redu­ces Phy­s­i­cal damage taken by 20% for 3 seconds.
      • Unho­ly
        • Rea­ni­mati­on has been rede­signed – Rea­ni­ma­tes a near­by cor­p­se, sum­mo­ning a zom­bie for 20 seconds that slowly moves towards your tar­get. If your zom­bie rea­ches its tar­get, it explo­des after 3 seconds. The explo­si­on stuns all ene­mies within 8 yards for 3 seconds and deals 20% of the­ir heal­th in Sha­dow damage.
        • The zom­bie sum­mo­ned by Rea­ni­mati­on is no lon­ger tar­ge­table or killable.
        • Rea­ni­mati­on now costs 30 Runic Power (was 1 Rune) and now has a 12 second cool­down with 2 charges.
    • DRUID
      • Balan­ce
        • Dying Stars (PvP Talent) has been rede­signed – Now causes the tar­gets who remo­ve Moon­fi­re or Sun­fi­re to be vul­ne­ra­ble to Moon­fi­re and Sun­fi­re for 15 seconds. If alrea­dy vul­ne­ra­ble, they gain half the rema­i­ning durati­on of the remo­ved effect.
      • Feral
        • Lea­der of the Pack now incre­a­ses move­ment spe­ed by 10% (was cri­ti­cal stri­ke chan­ce by 5%).
        • New PvP Talent: Wild Attu­ne­ment – After suc­cess­ful Cyclo­ne casts, you are auto­ma­ti­cally shif­ted into Cat Form and your next Fero­ci­ous Bite, Rip, or Maim within 5 seconds also casts Feral Frenzy.
    • EVOKER
      • New PvP Talent: Dre­am Catcher – Sle­ep Walk no lon­ger has a cool­down, but its cast time is incre­a­sed by 0.5 seconds.
    • MAGE
      • New PvP Talent: Mas­ter She­pherd – Whi­le an ene­my pla­yer is affec­ted by your Poly­mor­ph or Mass Poly­mor­ph, your move­ment spe­ed is incre­a­sed by 25% and your Ver­sa­ti­li­ty is incre­a­sed by 6%. Addi­ti­o­nally, Poly­mor­ph and Mass Poly­mor­ph no lon­ger heal enemies.
      • New PvP Talent: Ethe­re­al Blink – Blink and Shi­m­mer apply Slow at 100% effecti­ve­ness to all ene­mies you Blink throu­gh. For each ene­my you Blink throu­gh, the cool­down of Blink or Shi­m­mer are redu­ced by 1 second, up to 5 seconds.
    • MONK
      • Brew­mas­ter
        • Incen­di­a­ry Bre­ath (PvP Talent) has been removed.
      • Hot Trub (PvP Talent) now has an addi­ti­o­nal effect – Also makes your next Bre­ath of Fire inca­pa­ci­ta­te tar­gets after puri­fy­ing 100% of your max health.
      • Holy
        • New PvP Talent: Bedazzle – Call upon the light to blind your ene­mies in a 20 yard cone, causing ene­mies to miss the­ir spells and attacks for 3 seconds. 1.5 second cast time, 90 second cooldown.
        • Ven­ge­an­ce Aura has been removed.
    • PRIEST
      • Pha­se Shift now lasts 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
    • SHAMAN
      • Swel­ling Waves (PvP Talent) has been removed.
      • Spectral Reco­ve­ry (PvP Talent) has been removed.
      • Enhan­ce­ment
        • New PvP Talent: Stor­mwea­ver – Con­su­ming Mael­strom Wea­pon on a damage spell causes your next Hea­ling Sur­ge or Cha­in Heal to gain the full bene­fits of Mael­strom Wea­pon based on the stacks consumed.
        • The hea­ling bonus from Impro­ved Mael­strom Wea­pon is redu­ced by 75% in PvP com­bat (was 25%).
      • The hea­ling bonus from Raging Mael­strom is now redu­ced by 60% in PvP com­bat (was 40%).


  • Added an opti­on to swap the Pro­fes­si­ons reci­pe win­dow to a mini­mal view to allow other win­dows to open side by side. 
    • Search bar for lear­ned reci­pes has been added to the mini­mi­zed craf­ting UI.
  • Skin­ning is now avai­la­ble in Zara­lek Cavern.


    • After arri­ving in Loa­mm and mee­ting the Nif­fen in the ear­ly Cam­paign, Myrrit invi­tes the pla­yer to go on adven­tu­res with him.
    • Bud­dy up with Myrrit to explo­re secret caves hid­den around Zara­lek Cavern up to three times a week.
    • These Sni­f­fen­se­ek digs are short puzzles that can invol­ve ste­al­th, sni­f­fin’, dig­gin’, or using logic. They are appro­xi­ma­te­ly 5 minu­tes in length.


  • Legen­da­ry quest bang has an upda­ted dis­play art to impro­ve rea­da­bi­li­ty and colorb­lindness considerations.
  • Loa­mm Nif­fen is sor­ted to the top of the Dra­gon Isles Sum­ma­ry list.
  • AddOn list will now dis­play an icon or default to a ques­ti­on mark if the AddOn did not spe­ci­fy one.
    • Quest Trac­ker now has an opti­on to ena­ble a dark background.
    • Opti­ons new to patch 10.1 will be mar­ked with “NEW” tag.



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