Seznam oprav — 11. května 2023

od | 12. května 2023 | Retail Hotfix, WotLK Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 19 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Máme tady dal­ší vár­ku oprav, kte­ré se sou­stře­dí na Mythic Plus dun­ge­o­ny, povo­lá­ní a ten­to­krát také na Wrath of the Lich King Clas­sic. No, jde cel­kem o dlou­hý seznam…

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Pala­din
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Inspi­red Word would be gran­ted without having the Holy 4‑Set bonus.
  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Nightstalker’s damage bonus from apply­ing in its inten­ded circumstances.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Crucible
    • Amal­ga­mati­on Chamber
      • After a soft reset, the door from Amal­ga­mati­on Cham­ber to Expe­ri­ments of Dracthyr will now pro­per­ly open if you have defe­a­ted the Amalgamation.
      • Adjus­ted the damage of Umbral Deto­nati­on and Blis­te­ring Twi­li­ght to sca­le appro­pri­a­te­ly with group size on Nor­mal and Hero­ic Difficulties.
    • Sca­le­com­man­der Sarkareth
      • Adjus­ted the damage of Echo­ing Howl to sca­le appro­pri­a­te­ly with group size. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We dis­co­ve­red an issue that was causing the total damage Echo­ing Howl was doing to all pla­yers was sca­ling too high in lar­ger raid sizes and too low in smaller raid sizes. This chan­ge works to even out the damage and make the dif­ficul­ty more con­si­s­tent across all raid sizes.
  • Mythic+
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We have been clo­se­ly moni­to­ring live data and pla­yer feedback sin­ce the launch of Dra­gon­fli­ght sea­son 2. Based on this, we’ve made a num­ber of tar­ge­ted adjust­ments to out­lier bos­ses as well as redu­ced some of the timers that we feel bet­ter reflect the dif­ficul­ty of cer­ta­in dungeons.
    • The time to com­ple­te The Underrot has been redu­ced to 30 minu­tes (was 32 minutes).
    • The time to com­ple­te Fre­e­hold has been redu­ced to 30 minu­tes (was 31 minutes).
    • The time to com­ple­te Ulda­man: Lega­cy of Tyr has been redu­ced to 35 minu­tes (was 38 minutes).
    • Brac­ke­nhi­de Hollow
      • Deca­tri­arch Wratheye
        • Deca­y­ing Stren­gth will be cast more consistently.
        • Deca­y­ing Stren­gth now only incre­a­ses Phy­s­i­cal damage done.
        • Deca­ystri­ke can be cast whi­le moving.
        • Deca­ystri­ke absorbs 30% less healing.
        • Rot­burst Totem heal­th redu­ced by 25%.
        • Withe­ring Rot damage redu­ced by 20%.
        • Withe­ring Rot redu­ces damage done by 2% per stack (was 5%).
      • Tre­emou­th
        • Con­su­me absorbs 25% less damage.
    • Fre­e­hold
      • Alli­an­ce cha­rac­ters try­ing to access Kul Tiras to enter Fre­e­hold should no lon­ger be tele­por­ted back to Stormwind.
    • Halls of Infusion
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Con­ta­in­ment Appa­ra­tus’ Con­ta­in­ment Beam to tar­get pets.
    • Neltharion’s Lair
      • Nara­xas
        • Toxic Retch damage redu­ced by 30%.
        • Hur­ling Rocks damage redu­ced by 20%.
      • Dar­grul the Underking
        • Incre­a­sed the cast time of Mag­ma Wave to 2.5 seconds (was .25 seconds).
        • Lava Gey­sers now per­sist for 60 seconds (Was infinite).
        • Fla­me Gout occurs eve­ry 3 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
    • Vor­tex Pinnacle
      • Slipstre­ams that spa­wn after defe­a­ting Ertan and Altai­rus now grant pla­yers 100% move­ment spe­ed until enter ente­ring combat.
      • Altai­rus
        • Biting Cold damage redu­ced by 25%.

Ene­mies and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue whe­re Pri­mal Night­fla­mes could stop pla­yers from eating at Suf­fusi­on Camps just by loo­king at them.

Items and Rewards

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • Batt­le­grounds
    • Ashran
      • Resol­ved an issue with cap­tu­ring the Risen Spi­rits during events in Ashran.
    • Clas­ses



  • During the cave dive “Suc­cess­ful Inter­ven­ti­ons” Mr. Sun­flower will be far more welcoming.
  • Cast Off Shells in the world quest “Shell Cor­po­rati­on” should now only be loo­table by the pla­yer who feeds a Redo­lent Whelk a Succu­lent Loo­king Deepcap.


  • Horri­fic Visions
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Sani­ty was being dra­i­ned too quick­ly in Horri­fic Visions.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Sara will now rece­i­ve a message on Vezax’s death that for­ces her to spa­wn immediately. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: This should pre­vent the issue that a few rocket boot equip­ped pla­yers expe­ri­en­ce whe­re it’s current­ly possi­ble, if you run fast enou­gh into Yogg’s room after Vezax’s death, that you start the encoun­ter befo­re Sara has spa­w­ned and results in a Yogg fight that can’t pro­gress past pha­se 1. Thanks speedrunners!



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Retail WoW: 380,364 gold

Classic Cataclysm: 32,291 gold

Mythic+ Affixy

Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Challenger's Peril
Challenger's Peril
Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Guile

Reset Raidů

Classic WoW

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 dny a 23 hodin
  • 20-Man Raidy: 21 hodin
  • Onyxia’s Lair: 2 dny a 22 hodin

Season of Discovery

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 dny a 22 hodin
  • Progress raidy: 1 den a 22 hodin


  • Raidy: 4 dny a 18 hodin


  • Raidy: 4 dny a 18 hodin

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