Seznam oprav — 19. prosince

od | 20. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix, WotLK Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 24 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Dal­ší hro­ma­da změn, kte­rou Bliz­zard plá­nu­je imple­men­to­vat do hry během zít­řej­ší­ho restar­tu real­mů. Kla­sic­ky jde o upra­vo­vá­ní jed­not­li­vých povo­lá­ní, a to jak pro PvE tak pro PvP. Změn se dočká také Vault of the Incar­na­tes, Mythic Plus dun­ge­o­nu a pro­fe­se. Jeden hot­fix se dostal také do Clas­sic Wrath of the Lich King. Uká­za­lo se, že někte­ré talen­ty moh­ly mít akti­vo­vá­ny více ran­ků najednou.

Změ­ny, kte­ré jsou v blue postu ozna­če­ny jako [With week­ly restarts] budou apli­ko­vá­ny zít­ra ráno, zby­tek je aktiv­ní již dnes.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Death Kni­ght
    • [With week­ly restarts] Soul Rea­per damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Icy Talons durati­on incre­a­sed to 10 seconds (was 6).
    • Unho­ly
      • [With week­ly restarts] Apo­ca­ly­p­se ghoul durati­on incre­a­sed to 20s, up from 15s.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Death Coil damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Cla­wing Sha­dows damage incre­a­sed by 6%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Scour­ge Stri­ke damage incre­a­sed by 6%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Pla­gu­ebrin­ger durati­on incre­a­sed to 10s, up from 5s.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Rea­ping now Incre­a­ses the damage of Soul Rea­per, Scour­ge Stri­ke, Fes­te­ring Stri­ke, and Death Coil by 25% of damage (was 20%) to ene­mies below 35% health.
  • Demon Hun­ter
    • Havoc
      • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Fel­bla­de from gai­ning the damage bonus of Any Means Necessary.
  • Dru­id
    • Balan­ce
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Fun­gal Growth was incorrect­ly bene­fit­ting from Lunar Eclipse.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Fun­gal Growth was gai­ning addi­ti­o­nal unin­ten­ded damage.
    • Res­to­rati­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] All hea­ling incre­a­sed by 5%. This chan­ge does not apply to PvP combat.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Embra­ce of the Dre­am hea­ling incre­a­sed by 25%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Luxu­ri­ant Soil now has a 1.5/3% (was 1/2%) chan­ce to spread Rejuvenation. 
        • The tool­tip will not reflect this chan­ge, but it will be correc­ted in a futu­re update.
  • Evo­ker
    • Seve­ral ani­mati­ons have been impro­ved when cas­ting whi­le Hovering.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Disin­te­gra­te damage incre­a­sed by 15%.
    • Pre­servati­on
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Rewind to fail to heal damage dealt to allies in lar­ge encoun­ters such as Raszageth.
  • Hun­ter
    • Marksman­ship
      • [With week­ly restarts] All damage dealt redu­ced by 3%.
  • Mage
    • Fire
      • [With week­ly restarts] Pyrob­last damage incre­a­sed by 12%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Igni­te damage incre­a­sed by 5%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fire Blast damage incre­a­sed by 12%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fire­ball damage incre­a­sed by 12%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Scorch damage incre­a­sed by 12%.
    • Frost
      • [With week­ly restarts] Ice Lan­ce damage incre­a­sed by 12%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Flur­ry damage incre­a­sed by 15%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Frost­bolt damage incre­a­sed by 15%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Gla­cial Spi­ke damage incre­a­sed 15%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Split­ting Ice, Icicles, and Ice Lan­ce hit ano­ther near­by tar­get for 80%, (was 65%). 
        • The tool­tip will not be upda­ted to reflect this chan­ge but will be upda­ted in the future.
  • Monk
    • Win­dwal­ker
      • [With week­ly restarts] All abi­li­ty damage redu­ced by 3%.
  • Pala­din
    • Aspi­rati­on of Divi­ni­ty stacks now over­lap correctly.
    • Fixed an issue causing Retri­bu­ti­on Aura to some­ti­mes tri­g­ger its cool­down without gran­ting Seraphim.
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • Fixed a bug causing Divi­ne Toll to some­ti­mes fail to gene­ra­te Holy Power.
      • Added Shi­ning Light to the Per­so­nal Resour­ce Bar.
  • Priest
    • Sha­dow
      • [With week­ly restarts] Vam­pi­ric Touch damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Sha­dow Word: Pain damage incre­a­sed by 10% for Sha­dow only.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Sha­dowy Appa­ri­ti­on Damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Devou­ring Pla­gue damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Void Bolt damage incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Mind Blast damage incre­a­sed by 20% for Sha­dow only.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Mind Spi­ke damage incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Mind Flay damage incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Idol of Y’shaarj incre­a­ses damage done by 5% when Min­d­ben­der is sum­mo­ned on a fea­red tar­get (down from 15%).
      • [With week­ly restarts] Incre­a­sed the mana cost of Power Word: Shield to 5% of base Mana for Sha­dow only (was 4%).
  • Rogue
    • [With week­ly restarts] Resoun­ding Cla­ri­ty now causes Echo­ing Repri­mand to Ani­ma­char­ge 2 addi­ti­o­nal com­bo points (was 3).
    • Assas­si­nati­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] All abi­li­ty damage redu­ced by 3%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fatal Concoction’s damage bonus for wea­pon poi­sons redu­ced to 10% (was 15%).
    • Outlaw
      • [With week­ly restarts] All abi­li­ty damage redu­ced by 3%.
    • Subt­le­ty
      • [With week­ly restarts] All abi­li­ty damage redu­ced by 3%.
  • Sha­man
    • Enhan­ce­ment
      • [With week­ly restarts] All damage dealt redu­ced by 3%.
  • War­lock
    • Afflicti­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] Male­fic Rap­tu­re damage incre­a­sed by 15%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Dra­in Soul damage incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Sha­dow­bolt damage incre­a­sed by 20%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Pan­de­mic Invo­cati­on damage incre­a­sed by 500%.
    • Demo­no­lo­gy
      • [with week­ly restarts] The cool­down of Call Felhun­ter is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Destructi­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] Cha­os Bolt damage incre­a­sed by 5%.
  • Warri­or
    • Arms
      • [With week­ly restarts] All abi­li­ty damage incre­a­sed by 3%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Mor­tal Stri­ke damage incre­a­sed by 5%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Execu­te damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • Fury
      • [With week­ly restarts] (2) Set Bonus: Execu­te cri­ti­cal hit chan­ce bonus incre­a­sed to 25% (was 10%).


  • Cli­ff­si­de Wylderdrake
    • Whi­te Hair manuscript is now avai­la­ble for pur­cha­se from Val­drak­ken Accord renown ven­dors at Val­drak­ken Accord rank 15.
  • Renewed Pro­to-Dra­ke:
    • Meiz no lon­ger offers to sell the Thick Spi­ned Jaw manuscript if you have unlocked the cus­to­mi­zati­on opti­on already.
    • Gre­en Sca­les manuscript is now avai­la­ble for pur­cha­se from renown ven­dors at Maru­uk Cen­taur renown rank 19.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Kurog Grim­to­tem
      • Incre­a­sed the enrage timer to 10 minu­tes on Mythic dif­ficul­ty (was 9 minutes).
      • Decre­a­sed the following ene­mies heal­th by 15% on Mythic difficulty: 
        • Frostwrou­ght Dominator
        • Earthwrou­gh Smasher
        • Fla­mewrou­ght Eradicator
        • Stor­mwrou­ght Despoiler
        • Tec­to­nic Crusher
        • Fro­zen Destroyer
        • Bla­zing Fiend
        • Thun­de­ring Ravager
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Kurog Grim­to­tem’s Earth, Fla­me, Frost, and Storm Domi­nan­ce were not inter­acting correct­ly with Evo­ker’s abi­li­ty Rewind (all difficulties).
    • Bro­od­ke­e­per Diurna
      • Fixed an issue which could affect the respon­si­ve­ness of Pri­ma­list For­ces on when they beco­me acti­ve on all difficulties.
      • Fixed an issue which could cause Empowered Gre­at­sta­f­f’s Wrath to tar­get a tank-spe­ci­a­li­zati­on pla­yer over other valid targets.
    • Ras­zage­th
      • Fla­me­sworn Herald’s Fla­me Shield now absorbs 55% of its heal­th (was 70%).
      • The ini­tial cool­down time of Frost­for­ged Zealot’s Shat­te­ring Shroud has been increased.
      • Pla­yers that are immu­ne to the effects of Hur­ri­ca­ne Wing are also immu­ne to the effects of Hur­ri­ca­ne Winds.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Dis­ci­pli­ne Priest Ato­ne­ment was incorrect­ly being affec­ted by both the damage incre­a­se and hea­ling incre­a­se from the Focused Char­ge buff.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue whe­re pla­yers couldn’t engage with the Empty Fish Barrel.


  • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Sea­son 1 is off to a roa­ring start, and we’ve been pla­y­ing lots of dun­ge­ons and got­ten lots of gre­at feedback from pla­yers during this first week of Mythic+ in Dra­gon­fli­ght. Whi­le we want to be care­ful not to chan­ge too much as pla­yers are still figu­ring out the new dun­ge­ons, we’ve iden­ti­fied some are­as whe­re we’d like to act on feedback soo­ner than later.
  • Ale­ge­th’ar Academy
    • Aggra­va­ted Skit­ter­fly Dar­ting Sting damage redu­ced by 25% and should now try to sting dif­fe­rent targets.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused Spectral Invo­ker’s Arca­ne Mis­si­les to not sca­le pro­per­ly with key levels.
    • Over­grown Ancient
      • [With week­ly restarts] Redu­ced the heal­th of Anci­ent Branch by 40%.
  • The Azu­re Vaults
    • [With week­ly restarts] Con­ju­red Lasher heal­th redu­ced by 20%.
    • Arca­ne Ten­der’s Infused Ground damage redu­ced by 33%.
    • Azu­re­bla­de
      • [With week­ly restarts] Overwhel­ming Ener­gy damage redu­ced by 25%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Overwhel­ming Ener­gy cast time incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
      • [With week­ly restarts] The­re is an addi­ti­o­nal delay befo­re Overwhel­ming Ener­gy that inflicts damage and expels Anci­ent Orb Fragments.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Anci­ent Orb damage redu­ced by 25%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused the broad­cast for Overwhel­ming Ener­gy to not display.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused the cast time of Overwhel­ming Ener­gy to dis­play incorrectly.
  • Court of Stars
    • [With week­ly restarts] Legi­on Hound’s Fel­bla­ze Pud­dle now pro­per­ly has a scre­en effect of the firey pud­dle left on the ground.
  • Halls of Valor
    • Ebonc­law Worg’s Leap for the Thro­at damage redu­ced by 20%.
    • Resol­ved an issue that caused Ebonc­law Worg’s Leap for the Thro­at to tar­get the pri­ma­ry thre­at player.
    • Fenyr
      • Claw Fren­zy­’s cast time incre­a­sed to 1 seconds (was instant) and now has a visu­al to indi­ca­te that the damage it inflicts is split by tar­gets in the area effect.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • [With week­ly restarts] Soul­har­ves­ters’ Death Bolt Volley cast time incre­a­sed to 3 sec (was 1.5 sec).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Soul­har­ves­ters’ Death Bolt Volley and Shat­ter Soul are now cast less frequently.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Ukhel Corruptor’s Death Bolt cast time incre­a­sed to 2 seconds (was 1.5).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Ukhel Corruptor’s Necro­tic Erup­ti­on is now cast less frequently.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Ukhel Deathspeaker’s Chant of the Dead cast time is incre­a­sed to 8 seconds and is now cast less frequently.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Risen Mystic’s Swift Wind cast time incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 2).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Risen Warrior’s Mor­tal Stri­ke durati­on redu­ced to 4 seconds (was 10), and it is now cast less frequently.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Desecra­ted Ohuna’s Rot­ting Wind ran­ge redu­ced to 25yd (was 40), and it is now cast less frequently.
    • The Raging Tempest
      • [With week­ly restarts] Elect­ri­cal Storm damage redu­ced by 15%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Ener­gy Sur­ge durati­on redu­ced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • [With week­ly restarts] Scorch­ling no lon­ger casts Bur­ning Touch.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Thun­derhe­ad and Fla­me­gullet are now visi­ble from much further away, making the­ir fli­ght path easier to keep track of.
    • [With week­ly restarts] The cast time of Thunderhead’s Storm Bre­ath and Flamegullet’s Fla­me Bre­ath incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Pri­ma­list Flamedancer’s Fla­me Dan­ce chan­nel durati­on incre­a­sed to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Bla­ze­bound Destroyer’s Living Bomb peri­o­dic damage redu­ced by 40%.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Tem­pest Channeler’s Light­ning Storm peri­o­dic damage and durati­on have both been redu­ced by 20%.
    • Kokia Bla­ze­ho­of
      • [With week­ly restarts] Heal­th redu­ced by 15%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Bla­ze­bound Fires­torm heal­th redu­ced by 20%.
    • Kyrak­ka and Erkheart Stormvein
      • [With week­ly restarts] Erkheart Storm­ve­in heal­th redu­ced by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Kyrak­ka heal­th redu­ced by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Whi­le Kyrak­ka is groun­ded, Fla­me­spit will now tar­get a maxi­mum of 3 pla­yers (was 5).
  • Tem­ple of the Jade Serpent
    • [With week­ly restarts] Depra­ved Mistweaver’s Defi­ling Mist damage redu­ced by 20%.
    • [With week­ly restarts] Depra­ved Mistweaver’s Touch of Ruin’s ini­tial aura is now a cur­se effect.
    • Wise Mari
      • Fixed an issue that could cause dis­play issu­es during the abi­li­ty Wash Away.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Impro­ved the visi­bi­li­ty on Corrup­ted Gey­ser’s war­ning effects.
    • Sha of Doubt
      • [With week­ly restarts] Touch of Nothing­ness damage redu­ced by 20%.
      • Bounds of Rea­li­ty redu­ces damage taken by 99% inste­ad of gran­ting immu­ni­ty to all damage.

Ohn’ahran Pla­ins

  • The gra­veyard near Wind­song Rise now has a Spi­rit Healer.

Pet Batt­les

  • Jin­gles should now have a chan­ce to show up with his wre­ath and can­dy cane on sum­mon, inste­ad of being locked into an appearance.
  • The first three Cen­taur Hunts each week now have a chan­ce to award a Bakar or Ohu­na batt­le pet.

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • Clas­ses
    • Demon Hun­ter
      • The Hunt deals 20% less damage in PvP.
      • Mise­ry in Defe­at now incre­a­sed damage dealt to the tar­get by 10% in PvP (was 20%).
    • Dru­id
      • Balan­ce
        • [With week­ly restarts] Star­sur­ge, Wrath, and Star­fi­re damage incre­a­sed by 20% in PvP. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Balan­ce Dru­i­d’s poten­tial burst has gone down sig­ni­fi­cant­ly com­pa­red to Sha­dowlands, whi­le at the same time the­ir con­si­s­tent spread damage has incre­a­sed. Ove­rall this is a heal­thi­er pla­ce, but we also want Star­sur­ge to be a via­ble opti­on for spen­ding Ast­ral Power in PvP. Addi­ti­o­nally, we’d like to reward Balan­ce Dru­ids for cas­ting Wrath and Star­fi­re sin­ce these spells are more dif­ficult to cast in PvP.
      • Feral
        • [With week­ly restarts] Lea­der of the Pack now heals for 3% of maxi­mum heal­th (was 5%). 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: As a follow-up to one of our goals in last week’s tuning of DPS spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons having higher self-hea­ling than we were com­for­table with, we are making an adjust­ment with Lea­der of the Pack to be more in line with other DPS spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons’ self-healing.
      • Res­to­rati­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Rip­ti­de hea­ling incre­a­sed by 15% in PvP Combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Life­blo­om hea­ling redu­ced by 10% in PvP combat.
        • Lifebloom’s blo­om hea­ling redu­ced by 10% in PvP combat. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Life­blo­om con­ti­nu­ed to con­sti­tu­te a sig­ni­fi­cant por­ti­on of a Res­to­rati­on Druid’s hea­ling in PvP, so we’re lowering it. We feel that Res­to­rati­on Druid’s throu­gh­put with this adjust­ment will rema­in strong.
    • Monk
      • [with week­ly restarts] Blac­kout Kick damage incre­a­sed by 15% in PvP combat.
      • [with week­ly restarts] Tiger Palm damage incre­a­sed by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Mis­twea­ver
        • [with week­ly restarts] Mana rege­ne­rati­on now redu­ced by an addi­ti­o­nal 15% (was 5%) in PvP combat.
      • Win­dwal­ker
        • Stri­ke of the Windlord damage redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Stri­ke of the Windlord and Thun­der­fist are dea­ling more burst than we are com­for­table with, so we are adjus­ting them and incre­a­sing addi­ti­o­nal susta­i­ned damage.
    • Pala­din
      • Holy
        • [with week­ly restarts] Mana rege­ne­rati­on now redu­ced by an addi­ti­o­nal 35% (was 40%) in PvP combat.
    • Priest
      • Dis­ci­pli­ne
        • [with week­ly restarts] Mana rege­ne­rati­on now redu­ced by an addi­ti­o­nal 5% (was 15%) in PvP combat.
      • Sha­dow
        • [With week­ly restarts] Sha­dow Word: Death damage redu­ced by 20% for Sha­dow only in PvP Combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Redu­ced the absorp­ti­on value of Power Word: Shield by 20% in PvP Com­bat for Sha­dow only.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Redu­ced the hea­ling transfer of Vam­pi­ric Embra­ce by 20% in PvP Combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Redu­ced the durati­on of Void Volley: Horri­fy by 2 sec (was 3 sec).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Redu­ced the damage of Void Volley by 30%. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Sha­dow Priest self-susta­in is too high in PvP so we are making tar­ge­ted adjust­ments to the­ir hea­ling. Addi­ti­o­nally, we are tar­ge­ting Void Volley and Idol of Y’Shaarj as we’ve seen it could lead to frustra­ting situati­ons with mini­mal coun­ter­play when paired with other instant cast damage dea­ling abilities.
    • Rogue
      • [With week­ly restarts] Num­bing Poi­son attack and cast spe­ed debu­ff effecti­ve­ness redu­ced by 33% in PvP combat.
      • Assas­si­nati­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Deathmark damage dealt by dupli­ca­ted poi­sons and ble­eds redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat. 
          • The tool­tip will not reflect this chan­ge, but it will be correc­ted in a futu­re update.
      • Subt­le­ty
        • [With week­ly restarts] Secret Tech­nique damage redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Assas­si­nati­on ble­ed damage is higher than we are com­for­table with and Secret Tech­nique has poten­tial to lead to burst win­dows with mini­mal coun­ter­play, so we are toning them down. Addi­ti­o­nally, we are most com­for­table with base­li­ne cast spe­ed reducti­on being 10% in PvP current­ly, so we’re redu­cing Num­bing Poi­son to be in line with simi­lar abilities.
    • Sha­man
      • [With week­ly restarts] Hea­ling Stre­am Totem hea­ling incre­a­sed by 15% in PvP Combat.
      • Ele­men­tal
        • Redu­ced the damage of Ele­men­tal Blast by 15% in PvP combat. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We’ve con­ti­nu­ed to see Ele­men­tal Blast be too burs­ty in PvP, for both Enhan­ce­ment and Ele­men­tal. Addi­ti­o­nally, Light­ning Bolt burst with Pri­mor­dial Wave for Enhan­ce­ment was dea­ling more burst than desi­red, so we’re brin­ging down the value of Pri­mor­dial Wave so that Light­ning Bolt on its own can con­ti­nue to shi­ne. For Res­to­rati­on, we’re tar­ge­ting buffs to instant cast spells for impro­ved survivability.
        • Enhan­ce­ment
          • [With week­ly restarts] Redu­ced the damage of Ele­men­tal Blast by 15% in PvP Combat.
          • [With week­ly restarts] Pri­mor­dial Wave causes your next Light­ning Bolt to hit all tar­gets with Fla­me Shock for 75% of nor­mal damage for Enhan­ce­ment only in PvP Com­bat (down from 150%).
    • War­lock
      • Afflicti­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Soul­burn Port durati­on redu­ced to 6 seconds in PvP.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Soul­burn Dra­in Life no lon­ger grants an absorb when hea­ling at full heal­th in PvP.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Soul­burn Heal­ths­to­ne hea­ling is redu­ced to 20% (was 30%) in PvP combat.
      • Demo­no­lo­gy
        • [With week­ly restarts] The cool­down of Call Felhun­ter is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds). 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Demo­no­lo­gy War­locks have an abun­dan­ce of con­t­rol in the­ir tool­kit that can be used frequent­ly so we are tar­ge­ting the cool­down of Call Felhunter.
      • Destructi­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Cha­os Bolt damage incre­a­sed by 15% in PvP Combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Sha­dowburn damage incre­a­sed by 30% in PvP Combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Inci­ne­ra­te damage incre­a­sed by 30% in PvP Combat. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Destructi­on War­locks tra­di­ti­o­nally shi­ne in PvP throu­gh setting up big burst win­dows, and we feel like they have been lac­king in that regard.
    • Warri­or
      • Fury
        • [With week­ly restarts] War­pa­int now redu­ces damage taken by 5% (was 10%) whi­le enraged in PvP combat. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We feel that Fury Warri­ors are too dura­ble, even after last week’s adjust­ments to the­ir self-hea­ling from Bloodthirst.
      • Pro­tecti­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Shield Slam — Damage redu­ced by 20% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Rend damage redu­ced by 20% in PvP com­bat (Pro­tecti­on Warri­or only). 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Pro­tecti­on Warri­ors are con­ti­nuing to deal more damage than we would like even after recent adjust­ments. In some cases, we’ve obser­ved them com­pe­ting with damage-dea­ling spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons, so we’re making addi­ti­o­nal tar­ge­ted adjust­ments on Shield Slam and Rend.
  • Solo Shu­f­fle
    • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted level 61+ pla­yers from par­ti­ci­pa­ting in Solo Shu­f­fle War Games in Mal­dra­xxus Coli­se­um and Ruins of Lordaeron.


  • [With week­ly restarts] You can now only earn Arti­sa­n’s Con­sor­ti­um repu­tati­on via week­ly quests from two pro­fes­si­ons a week. All pro­fes­si­ons pro­vi­de the same amount total (500).
  • [with week­ly restarts] Azu­re Loom and Chro­no Loom can now be used to ful­fill Craf­ting Orders.
  • Added S.A.V.I.O.R. to the Craf­ting Order sys­tem. It rema­ins Bind on Pic­kup and Requi­res Dra­gon Isles Engi­nee­ring to use.
  • Added all inter­me­di­a­te reagents, finishing reagents, and opti­o­nal reagents to the Craf­ting Order sys­tem (except for Illustri­ous Insight). 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: The desi­re to ful­fill orders is some­ti­mes much gre­a­ter than the sup­ply of orders that acti­ve­ly need filled despi­te the high volu­me of orders going throu­gh the sys­tem. Addi­ti­o­nally, the­re is a dis­con­nect between being able to use one’s own raw gathe­red reagents to cre­a­te a final desi­red pro­duct. By adding these craf­ted reagents to the Craf­ting Order sys­tem, we hope to offer more oppor­tu­ni­ties for craf­ters to loca­te and fill orders and cus­to­mers to direct­ly uti­li­ze the­ir own mate­ri­als to feel a stron­ger sen­se of owner­ship in the final pro­duct. Current­ly, mul­tiple orders will need to be pla­ced if you need a higher quan­ti­ty than the reci­pe pro­vi­des. We reco­gni­ze that this flow isn’t ide­al and will be loo­king into how to impro­ve it. Thank you for your pati­en­ce and con­ti­nu­ed feedback as we ite­ra­te on all things professions!
  • Alche­my
    • Transmu­tati­on crafts have been tem­po­ra­ri­ly disa­bled in order to add­ress an explo­it. It is our top pri­o­ri­ty to resol­ve the under­ly­ing issue and re-ena­ble Transmu­tati­ons as soon as possible.
  • Enchan­ting
    • The Enchan­ting for­mu­las Illusi­on: Pri­mal Frost, Air, Fire, and Earth were ina­d­ver­tent­ly bind on pic­kup. They have been chan­ged to unbound so they may fre­e­ly be tra­ded and sold on the aucti­on house.
  • Engi­nee­ring
    • Arc­li­ght Ener­gy Sur­ge caused by cata­stro­phic tin­ker mal­functi­ons will now con­ti­nue to tick down whi­le offline.
    • Pie­ces of Scrap some­ti­mes found by spe­ci­a­li­zed Engi­neers now have a sig­ni­fi­cant­ly higher chan­ce of drop­ping when you use your bombs or tinkers.
    • The chan­ce to rece­i­ve Junk items from Rum­mage Throu­gh Scrap has been redu­ced for spe­ci­a­li­zed Engineers.
    • Rum­mage Throu­gh Scra­p’s chan­ce to yield a spe­cial tre­a­su­re has been sli­ght­ly incre­a­sed for spe­ci­a­li­zed Engineers. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Whi­le the main bene­fit of inves­ting points into the Scrap­per spe­ci­a­li­zati­on is the sig­ni­fi­cant incre­a­se to your resour­ce­ful­ness, Rum­mage Throu­gh Scrap is pro­ving to be far less rewar­ding than inten­ded. The goal for this effect is not to incen­ti­vi­ze using your devi­ces at eve­ry oppor­tu­ni­ty, but inste­ad to reward your dedi­cati­on to your craft by some­ti­mes unco­ve­ring some­thing use­ful… or unique!
  • Her­ba­lism
    • Wind­swept perk 0 now correct­ly redu­ces the distan­ce you are knocked back by Buil­ding Breeze.
  • Inscrip­ti­on
    • The Curi­ous Dja­ra­din Rune, an item that gives spe­ci­a­li­zati­on in Inscrip­ti­on, should now drop from cre­a­tu­res for Scri­bes capa­ble of specializing.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re some embel­lishments whe­re not showing on Held in Off-hand weapons.
  • Jewel­craf­ting
    • Fixed an issue whe­re the Design: Ele­men­tal Lari­at was not pro­per­ly drop­ping off all boss storm cre­a­tu­res. It should now pro­per­ly drop off them. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Pla­yers only have a chan­ce to get this reci­pe on your first kill of each per day, matching with the beha­vi­or of other loot that drops from these creatures.
  • Mining
    • Fixed an issue with Titan-Tou­ched spe­ci­a­li­zati­on that had the effect descrip­ti­ons of the 0 point and 40 point perks swap­ped. Functi­o­na­li­ty is unchanged.
    • Fixed an issue that made the Sur­vey­ing 30 knowled­ge perk drop Illi­mi­ted Dia­monds sig­ni­fi­cant­ly less often than intended.
    • Mol­ten perk 0 now correct­ly redu­ces the damage dealt by Smol­de­ring Ore.
  • Skin­ning
    • Redu­ced the cool­down of Bott­led Phe­ro­mo­nes to 5 minu­tes (was 30 minutes).
    • Sig­ni­fi­cant­ly incre­a­sed the bonus cool­down reducti­on spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons pro­vi­de toward Elusi­ve Cre­a­tu­re Bait. When pla­yers are maxed out in all perks rela­ted to Elusi­ve Cre­a­tu­re Bait, the cool­down is now redu­ced by 20 minu­tes (was 13 minutes).
    • Incre­a­sed the reward for skin­ning nor­mal, rare, and eli­te ‘elusi­ve’ ene­mies. The nor­mal ene­mies are now only skin­na­ble by a sin­gle skinner. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: The rewards for skin­ning elusi­ve cre­a­tu­res have been equally elusi­ve, so we are impro­ving what they drop. Along with this chan­ge, nor­mal elusi­ve cre­a­tu­res are only skin­na­ble by a sin­gle skin­ner. Eli­te and Rare elusi­ve cre­a­tu­res will rema­in skin­na­ble by eve­ry­o­ne who par­ti­ci­pa­tes in defe­a­ting them.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the rare Sto­len Pre­sent box to show up on the quest “You­’re a Mean One…”.
  • PX-238 Win­ter Won­der­volt now per­sists throu­gh death.
  • [With week­ly restarts] Requi­re­ment to com­ple­te Sparks of Life week­ly quests redu­ced to 100 Sparks of Life (was 200).
  • Azu­re Span
    • Fixed an issue whe­re unique cre­a­tu­res in “Deli­ghts to Del­ve for” were clip­ping into the geo­gra­phy, bloc­king pla­yers from com­ple­ting the objective.
  • The For­bi­d­den Reach
    • During “Final Orders” the Wrath of the Storm-Eater aura will now pro­per­ly disa­ble moun­ting, dra­gonri­ding, and Soar spells.
  • Ohn’ahran Pla­ins
    • Gur­gthock the Fight Pro­mo­ter should no lon­ger beco­me per­ma­nent­ly unin­ter­acti­ble if pla­yers restart “The Field of Fero­ci­ty Redux: Mas­ter of the Hunt” imme­di­a­te­ly after it resets.
  • Thal­dras­zus
    • Fixed an issue whe­re cre­dit was incorrect­ly sha­ring between par­ty mem­bers during “Time-Locked Timewalkers.”
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Wrathi­on could drop pla­yers whi­le fly­ing during “The Obsi­di­an Citadel.”

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Fixed an issue whe­re some talents could have mul­tiple ranks of bonuses acti­ve at the same time.



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