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Blizzard před víkendem vydal další várku oprav a vylepšení. Upravovalo se hned několik povolání, dungeonů, ale i reputací nebo předmětů.
Původně napsal Blizzard Entertainment (Originální příspěvek)
- Druid
- Fixed an issue where Tireless Pursuit was only granting 30% movement speed, not the correct 40% movement speed.
- Balance
- Fixed an issue where Sunfire applied to multiple targets would not correctly trigger the Mastery benefit.
- Evoker
- Fixed an issue where Eternity Surge could be casted while locked out of its spell school.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to recast an empowered spell during its GCD would cause your action bars to grey out.
- Preservation
- Emerald Communion may now be cast while moving while Hover is active.
- Hunter
- Marksmanship
- Fixed an issue where Wind Arrows from Legacy of the Windrunners or Windrunner’s Barrage were gaining bonus damage from your Mastery twice.
- Marksmanship
- Monk
- Fixed an issue preventing the Touch of Death effect of Fatal Flying Guillotine from always being an Improved Touch of Death. The tooltip for this will be clarified in a later update.
- Priest
- Holy
- Fixed an issue causing Answered Prayers to sometimes get stuck at its maximum stack count and fail to trigger Apotheosis.
- Holy
Creatures and NPCs
- The Azure Span
- Tatto the Iskaaran Stable Master will now correctly allow you to stable your pet.
- Ohn’ahran Plains
- Beastmaster Oken will now stable pets properly for hunters who find themselves in the Broadhoof Outpost.
Dungeons and Raids
- Algeth’ar Academy
- Echo of Doragosa’s health has been increased by 12%.
- Brackenhide Hollow
- Fixed an issue where if players entered the gauntlet toward the final boss from the Den of Decay instead of through Treemouth’s area, the gauntlet could become impossible to complete.
- Fixed an issue where Bracken Warscourge could spawn inside of the environment in the area leading up to Hackclaw’s War-Band.
- Neltharus
- Qalashi Thaumaturge’s Magma Conflagration damage reduced by 40%.
- Magmatusk’s health has been increased about 15%.
Items and Rewards
- Players can now choose to cancel certain Transporter Malfunctions caused by new and old Wormhole Generators.
- The Trial of the Elements (Primalist Tomorrow) and Trial of the Flood (Ohn’ahran Plains) events rewards were scaling higher than expected and have had their base item level reduced.
- Armoire of Endless Cloaks is now a correctly categorized as a Toy.
- Integrated Primal Fire trinket damage reduced by 19%.
- Fixed an issue where items purchased from Sabellian and Wrathion quartermasters displayed incorrect reputation requirements.
Player versus Player
- War Mode
- Fixed an issue that the War Mode and Primal Storm cloak rewards were all using the same stat allocation.
- Warlock
- Demonology
- Axe Toss and Solar Beam can no longer trigger the Precognition PvP Talent.
- Demonology
- Enchanting
- Fixed an issue where Enriched Earthen Shard was appearing underground.
- Engineering
- Fixed an issue where Tinker: Plane Displacer was not properly going on cooldown if it malfunctioned.
- Lilliam Sparkspindle will now offer Alliance players the option to unlearn and change their Classic Engineering Gnomish and Goblin specializations.
- Herbalism
- Fixed an issue where Rich Soil was spawning too quickly.
- Fixed an issue causing players above level 60 to be unable to enter certain legacy quest scenarios.
- A small number of characters who were able to able access a Renown Campaign early have had their access corrected. However, characters who have already started the Campaign questline will be allowed to finish it.
- The Azure Span
- Fixed an issue where Kraunot could become unattackable during “A Wrestle of Wind and Water.”
- Ohn’ahran Plains
- Fixed an issue where characters could be unable to complete “Shady Sanctuary.””
- Fixed an issue where Therazane could be killed in the Black Empire.
- Players attempting to turn in “Race Through Time” could be knocked off the platform by the opposing faction preventing quest completion. The Black Empire is now flagged as a sanctuary to prevent this from occurring.
- Fixed an issue where the starting location for “Moving On” was in the wrong location on the map.
- Dragonscale Expedition
- Fixed an issue with Ancient Waygates. Players who hit Rank 7 may begin their adventures in exploring these curious ancient stones, scattered throughout the Dragon Isles.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to begin the Ancient Waygate questline.
- Maruuk Centaur
- Fixed an issue where “Sharing the Bounty” was not appearing at different Renown levels.