Seznam oprav — 20. června 2023

od | 21. června 2023 | Retail Hotfix, WotLK Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 18 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bliz­zard v noci opět nahrál oprav­ný balí­ček, kte­rý se ten­to­krát sou­stře­dí jak na Dra­gon­fli­ght tak na WotLK Clas­sic. Opra­vy se ten­to­krát týka­ly Aberru­su, něko­li­ka před­mě­tů, úko­lů a ve WotLK Clas­sic byl opra­ven Yogg-Saron a poupra­ve­na kouz­la u Mága a Warriora.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Pala­din
    • Crusa­ding Stri­kes can now tri­g­ger Empy­re­an Power.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Crucible
    • Kaz­za­ra, the Hellforged
      • Kaz­za­ra heal­th redu­ced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Infer­nal Fusi­on damage redu­ced by 10%.
    • Sar­ka­re­th Scaelcommander
      • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Resol­ved an issue that would cause pla­yers to take extra dura­bi­li­ty damage if the­ir cor­p­se fell off the platform.
      • Lowered the damage from Scor­ching Deto­nati­on by 10% on all difficulties.
      • Lowered the damage from Obli­vi­on by 10% on all difficulties.
      • Upda­ted the visu­al cla­ri­ty for Drif­ting Embers.
  • Nel­tha­rus
    • Char­gath, Bane of Scales
      • Fixed an issue that could pre­vent Char­gath from cas­ting Groun­ding Spear.

Items and Rewards

  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Dee­p­fla­yer Lure’s damage incre­a­sed by 110%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Dja­ra­din Boas­ting Tablets’ max damage reducti­on redu­ced by 43%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Dra­co­nic Cau­te­ri­zing Magma’s hea­ling incre­a­sed by 18%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Dra­ke­for­ged Mag­ma Charm’s damage incre­a­sed by 72%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Fri­end­ship Censer’s hea­ling incre­a­sed by 55%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Mag­mac­law Lure’s absorb redu­ced by 67%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Pocket Dar­ke­ned Ele­men­tal Core’s damage redu­ced by 26%.
  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Smol­de­ring Howler Horn’s cri­ti­cal stri­ke redu­ced by 25%.


  • [With June 16 Chan­ges] Effer­ves­ta won’t esca­pe from kid­na­pping ear­ly and will now correct­ly wait for the pla­yer to rescue her during “Suss Out the Imposter.”

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Clas­ses
    • Mage
      • Ice Armor should no lon­ger fall off when pla­yers have either rank 1 or rank 2 of Frost Warding.
    • Warri­or
      • Blo­od Fren­zy should now fall off when Deep Wounds falls off the target.
  • Dun­ge­ons and Raids
    • Uldu­ar
      • Yogg-Saron
        • Guar­di­ans of Yogg-Saron will once aga­in spa­wn nor­mally during Pha­se 1.



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Retail WoW: 380,364 gold

Classic Cataclysm: 32,582 gold

Mythic+ Affixy

Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Challenger's Peril
Challenger's Peril
Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Guile

Reset Raidů

Classic WoW

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 dny a 23 hodin
  • 20-Man Raidy: 21 hodin
  • Onyxia’s Lair: 2 dny a 22 hodin

Season of Discovery

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 dny a 22 hodin
  • Progress raidy: 1 den a 22 hodin


  • Raidy: 4 dny a 18 hodin


  • Raidy: 4 dny a 18 hodin

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