Seznam oprav — 20. prosince

od | 21. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 23 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Noč­ní dáv­ka oprav a úprav je kupo­di­vu tro­chu men­ší, než jsme zvyklí. Bliz­zard se ten­to­krát zamě­řil na opra­ve­ní achi­ve­men­tů, Evo­ke­ra, dun­ge­o­nů a neza­po­mněl ani na ner­fo­vá­ní Vault of Incarnates.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • I’m Pla­y­ing All Sides was erro­ne­ous­ly awar­ding cre­dit for tur­ning keys into Bazen­tus at the Obsi­di­an For­ge. The has been correc­ted and may requi­re tur­ning in ano­ther key to gain that credit.
  • For Honor Our Ances­tors, Dihar the Uny­iel­ding asks for 5 tier 2 Wri­the­bark. The text will be upda­ted to spe­ci­fy this next patch.


  • Evo­ker
    • Devastati­on
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Pyre could occasi­o­nally not be cast despi­te having enou­gh essence.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • The Azu­re Vaults
    • Adjus­ted the Shrieking Whel­ps so that whi­le they are out of com­bat, they are not con­si­de­red tar­gets for area of effect or cha­in abi­li­ties, unless they are direct­ly tar­ge­ted by them.
    • Umbrel­skul
      • Oppres­si­ve Miasma no lon­ger bre­aks ste­al­th on Mythic difficulty.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Pri­mal Thunderbeast’s Cha­in Light­ning damage redu­ced by 30% on Mythic+ difficulty.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Dathea, Ascen­ded
      • Redu­ced the melee damage of Vola­ti­le Infusers by 50% on Nor­mal difficulty.
      • Redu­ced the num­ber of Unstable Gusts on Nor­mal difficulty.
      • Con­ducti­ve Mark now tar­gets 4 pla­yers regar­dless of raid group size.
      • Con­ducti­ve Mark peri­o­dic damage now sca­les with raid group size.
    • Kurog Grim­to­tem
      • Abi­li­ties like Soul Hea­ling and Death Stri­ke should now pro­per­ly account for the damage of Kurog’s Sun­de­ring Strike.
    • Ras­zage­th
      • The heal­th of the following ene­mies has been redu­ced by 50%: 
        • Sur­ging Rui­ner Oathsworn
        • Van­gu­ard Stormseeker
        • Aco­ly­te Frostforged
        • Zea­lot Fla­me­sworn Herald


  • Fixed and issue whe­re pla­yers could wear more than 2 Embel­lished pie­ces of gear under cer­ta­in conditions.
  • We have incre­a­sed the amount of Pri­mal Cha­os gai­ned in much of M+, par­ticu­lar­ly in the mid levels (5–15) to redu­ce the total runs nee­ded to earn enou­gh Pri­mal Cha­os to craft equi­va­lent levels of pro­fes­si­on gear.


  • Ohn’ahran Pla­ins
    • Fixed an issue whe­re “Aca­de­mic Acqua­in­tan­ces” was not able to be com­ple­ted for some players.
  • Thal­dras­zus
    • Incre­a­sed the spa­wn rate of water ele­men­tals for the world quest “Depth Charge.”
  • Val­drak­ken
    • The week­ly “Relic Reco­ve­ry” and “Pre­ser­ving the Past” dun­ge­on quests will now appear on the map for Valdrakken.


  • Fixed an issue whe­re Tuskarr fishing nets occasi­o­nally yiel­ded no fish.



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