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Dnes nás Blizzard obdaroval velice krátkým seznam oprav, ve kterém se soustředí hlavně na death knighty, huntery, raid Vault of Incarnates a Cobalt Assembly prsteny, do kterých jde nově dát socket.
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
Death Knight
Fixed an issue with Unholy Aura not applying consistently to enemies with larger hitboxes.
Fixed an issue where Mend Pet would not target and heal Dragonkin pets.
Fixed an issue where the critical damage bonus from Unerring Vision was not properly working while Trueshot was active.
Dungeons and Raids
Vault of the Incarnates
Kurog Grimtotem
Fixed an issue where Vantus Runes were not giving stats when used for the encounter.
Fixed an issue that could prevent Volatile Sparks from spawning.
Temple of the Jade Serpent
Wise Mari
Fixed an issue where Wise Mari would occasionally freeze while casting Wash Away.
Items and Rewards
Profession gear and Cobalt Assembly rings are now eligible for socket upgrades. This fix is retroactive and requires relogging.