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Další dávka oprav, která se tentokrát zaměřuje pouze a jen na jednotlivá povolání je tady.
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
- Druid
- Fixed an issue causing Ursoc’s Fury to generate an incorrect absorb value.
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue that caused the additional Tiger Palm from Awakened Faeline to sometimes not cast while changing facing or moving out of melee range.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- Fixed an issue causing some Paladins to fail to obtain their Charger.
- Priest
- Shadow
- Fixed an issue causing Idol of Y’Shaarj to not trigger its Enrage removal effect against creatures affected by Enrage from the Raging Affix in Mythic+ Dungeons.
- Shadow
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Fixed an issue where Soul Flame damage did not match the amount described in the tooltip.
- Affliction