Seznam oprav — 3. a 4. ledna 2023

od | 05. ledna 2023 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 23 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývo­já­ři se poma­lu ale jis­tě vra­cí z dovo­le­ných, kte­ré na kon­ci roku měli a vydá­va­jí dal­ší vár­ky oprav­ných balíč­ků. Kaden­ce je opět stej­ná jako před Váno­ci – kaž­dý den hro­ma­da oprav, kaž­dý den blue-post o tom, co se zrov­na upravilo.

3. ledna

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Pala­din
    • Holy
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • Fixed an issue pre­ven­ting Inner Light’s damage effect from triggering.
    • Retri­bu­ti­on

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Algeth’ar Aca­de­my
    • Over­grown Ancient
      • Incre­a­sed the amount of time between abi­li­ties, par­ticu­lar­ly in relati­on to Burst Forth. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ Note: The com­bi­nati­on of Ger­mi­nati­on and Burst Forth is the most dan­ge­rous part of the encoun­ter. We hope by giving this moment more spa­ce, pla­yers will be bet­ter able to pre­pa­re for and reco­ver from it.
  • Azu­re Vaults
    • Azu­re­bla­de
      • Incre­a­sed the time it takes for Azu­re­bla­de to dra­in the­ir mana.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Nokhud Lan­ce­mas­ters are less talka­ti­ve when firing the­ir ballistae.
    • The Raging Tempest
      • Light­ning Stri­ke damage redu­ced by 10%.
      • Ener­gy Sur­ge damage redu­ced by 50%.
      • Sur­ge of Power durati­on incre­a­sed to 18 seconds (was 15 sec).
    • Tee­ra and Maruuk
      • Sli­ght­ly incre­a­sed Maruuk’s move­ment speed.
      • Added a sli­ght delay on Quick Shot after Tee­ra uses Gale Arrow.
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Meli­drussa Chillworn
      • Redu­ced the absorb value of Ice Bul­wark by 25%.
      • Redu­ced par­ty-wide peri­o­dic damage of Chill­storm by 33%.
    • Erkhart Storm­ve­in
      • Interrup­ting Cloud­burst now has a 2 sec. scho­ol lockout when it interrupts a spell (was 4 seconds).
      • Storm­slam is now cast less frequently.
  • Tem­ple of the Jade Serpent
    • Les­ser Sha and Mal­for­med Sha’s abi­li­ty ‘Sha Erup­ti­on’ no lon­ger igno­res line of sight.
    • Sha of Doubt
      • Incre­a­sed the recast cool­down of Touch of Nothingness.
      • Wither Will now pre­fers tar­gets that are not under the effects of Touch of Nothingness.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Fixed an issue with the inter­mis­si­on ene­mies’ Pre­sen­ce abi­li­ties being able to pier­ce magic immu­ni­ties on the Kurog Grim­to­tem encounter.

Pla­yer ver­sus Player


  • Many pro­fes­si­ons’ week­ly quests have had the­ir quest item drop rates increased.
  • Alche­my
  • Enchan­ting
    • Redu­ced the ven­dor pri­ce of Chro­ma­tic Focus to be more in line with other uncom­mon pro­fes­si­on equi­p­ment ven­dor prices.

4. ledna

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Pala­din
    • Fixed an issue causing Divi­ne Toll to some­ti­mes cast the incorrect spell.
  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that caused Grap­pling Hook to bre­ak Ste­al­th when talen­ted into Subterfuge.

Cre­a­tu­res and NPCs

  • Sel­the­rex in Val­drak­ken now sells Orbo­re­al Dis­tingu­ishment (5 Marks of Honor) for 2000 Honor.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Not­far the Unbea­ra­ble did not reward pla­yers for defe­a­ting him.


  • Fixed an error that could some­ti­mes occur when taking off.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Azu­re Vaults
    • Tela­sh Greywing
      • Fixed an issue whe­re using an immu­ni­ty on Icy Devasta­tor would cause the next Frost Bomb to hap­pen sooner.
  • Bra­ke­nhi­de Hollow
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Gash­to­o­th would cast Mar­ked for But­che­ry on pets. This should now correct­ly only tar­get players.
  • Court of Stars
    • Advi­sor Melandrus
      • Fixed an issue that caused the images of Melan­drus to inflict more damage than inten­ded with Sli­cing Mael­strom. The damage of Sli­cing Mael­strom is now nor­ma­li­zed across all ene­mies in the encoun­ter and has been adjus­ted to compensate. 
        • Incre­a­sed the una­vo­i­da­ble damage effect of Sli­cing Mael­strom by 20%.
        • Redu­ced the addi­ti­o­nal damage of Sli­cing Mael­strom to pla­yers within 7 yards by 30%.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Bala­kar Khan
      • Fixed an issue causing Iron Stam­pe­de to hit pla­yers besi­de or behind Bala­kar Khan.
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Meli­drussa Chillworn
      • Hun­ters’ Wai­ling Arrow should no lon­ger interrupt Meli­drussa Chillworn’s Frost Over­lo­ad throu­gh her absorb shield.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • The Pri­mal Council
      • Con­ducti­ve Mark has some har­sh over­laps with other spells. These casts are get­ting pushed back by 2–3 seconds depen­ding on dif­ficul­ty to keep an exci­ting challen­ge, but one that feels fair and expec­ted for the posi­ti­on of this fight in the raid.
  • Mythic+
    • Affi­xes
      • Thun­de­ring
        • Upda­ted the visu­al indi­ca­tors used for the Thun­de­ring affix.
        • Thun­de­ring should no lon­ger interrupt eating and drinking.
    • Halls of Valor
      • Pla­yers tele­por­ting to the Fields of the Eter­nal Hunt are no lon­ger affec­ted by Quaking.
      • Odyn
        • Pla­yers pulled by Radi­ant Tem­pest are no lon­ger affec­ted by Quaking.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue whe­re Bla­ze­bin­der’s Hoof would not tri­g­ger off cer­ta­in melee attacks.
  • Raid Trin­kets
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Ove­rall, we’re hap­py with how trin­kets & ite­mi­zati­on is wor­king out in Vault of the Incar­na­tes. As we’re get­ting back to the offi­ce thou­gh, we wan­ted to take the time to add­ress some out­liers, some bugs, and some vocal feedback (with regards to Whispe­ri­ng Incar­na­te Icon). We are making a few adjust­ments as soon as possi­ble so as not to hea­vi­ly impact cho­ice around tra­ding, assig­ning loot, or pic­king things out of your Gre­at Vault more than the holi­da­ys have alrea­dy done.
    • Despe­ra­te Invo­ker’s Codex
      • Lowered the amount of self-damage the pla­yer takes on-use by 20%.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re pla­yers could gain stacks of Hat­red out­si­de of combat.
    • Ice­blo­od Deathsnare
      • On-Use damage incre­a­sed by 30%, damage incre­a­sed for the on-hit effect by 50%
    • Rum­b­ling Ruby
      • Fixed an issue whe­re the dama­ging shoc­kwa­ves weren’t hit­ting excep­ti­o­nally lar­ge targets.
    • Spi­te­ful Storm
      • Damage incre­a­sed by 15%.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re cer­ta­in Raid Bos­ses could have the­ir Spi­te­ful Storm pro­gress reset during the­ir encounters.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Spi­te­ful Storm could stack out of combat.
    • Whispe­ri­ng Incar­na­te Icon
      • Allied buffs no lon­ger requi­re you to be in a Party.


  • The opti­on to skip some of the pro­fes­si­on quests if you have alrea­dy done them on ano­ther cha­rac­ter by tal­king to Hae­phes­ta has been re-enabled.
  • Alche­my
  • Enchan­ting
    • The Enchan­ting for­mu­las Illusi­on: Pri­mal Frost, Air, Fire, and Earth were ina­d­ver­tent­ly bind on pic­kup. They have been chan­ged to unbound so they may fre­e­ly be tra­ded and sold on the aucti­on house.
  • Her­ba­lism
    • Mas­te­ring the Ele­ments (40) should now correct­ly incre­a­se the amount of Rousing Essen­ce gai­ned from ele­men­tal herbs.
  • Jewel­craf­ting
    • Glass­ware (10) should now correct­ly redu­ce the cool­down of Gem Hoard crafts.
  • Mining
    • Mas­te­ring the Ele­ments (50) should now correct­ly grant ran­dom Rousing Essen­ces upon Over­lo­a­ding. In addi­ti­on, the amount has been incre­a­sed from 1 to 2–3 to be clo­ser in value to Herbalism’s equi­va­lent caps­to­ne. The tool­tip will be correc­ted in a futu­re patch.


  • Fixed an issue whe­re “Aiding the Accord: The Hunt is On” was not alwa­ys gran­ting quest cre­dit when com­ple­ting a Grand Hunt.



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