Seznam oprav — 31. ledna 2023

od | 01. února 2023 | Retail Hotfix, WotLK Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 22 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vče­rej­ší večer při­ne­sl do Dra­gon­fli­ght a Wrath of the Lich King hned něko­lik oprav, kte­ré sto­jí za to zmí­nit. Dra­gon­fli­ght se sou­stře­dí na mobil­ní aukč­ní apli­ka­ci, dun­ge­o­ny a úkol Field of Fero­ci­ty: Redux Mas­ter of the Hunt. Wrath of the Lich King opra­vy jsou sou­stře­dě­ny hlav­ně na opra­ve­ní popis­ků před­mě­tů a XT-002 Decon­struc­tor bos­se v Ulduaru.


Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

Aucti­on House

  • The Mobi­le Aucti­on Hou­se now pro­per­ly dis­pla­ys Dra­gon­fli­ght enchantments.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Algeth’ar Aca­de­my
    • Cra­wth
      • Fixed an issue that could some­ti­mes cause Cra­wth to not appear after defe­a­ting the gauntlet.
  • Mythic+
    • The Nokhud Offensive
      • Fixed an issue that caused Qua­king to apply to pla­yers during Bla­kar Khan’s Sta­tic Spear effect.


  • Ohn’ahran Pla­ins
    • Fixed some issu­es to pre­vent “Field of Fero­ci­ty: Redux Mas­ter of the Hunt” fights from per­ma­nent­ly get­ting stuck in an unusa­ble state.

Wrath of the Lich King

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Dru­id
    • The Cena­ri­on Rai­ment Dru­id set from Mol­ten Core now redu­ces the cool­down of Tra­nqui­li­ty by only 15%, rather than 50%.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Uldu­ar
    • XT-002 Decon­struc­tor
      • Deve­lo­pers note: We want to make XT-002 Har­d­mo­de more appro­a­chable on both 10 and 25 pla­yer dif­ficul­ties whi­le main­ta­i­ning the exci­ting pacing of the ori­gi­nal pre-nerf 6 minu­te ber­serk timer. This will result in hp valu­es that are tech­ni­cally lower ove­rall than the post-nerf ver­si­on of XT but the challen­ge, albe­it a more rea­so­na­ble one, will still exist with a much shor­ter fight duration.
      • 10 Pla­yer Hardmode
        • Total Damage requi­red to defe­at XT-002 redu­ced by 20% during the Heart­bre­ak Phase.
        • Heart­bre­ak Heal­th % Buff is now 40% (was 90%).
        • Heart­bre­ak Buff Heal­th: is now 8,400,000 (was 11,400,000).
        • Life Spark Heal­th is now 100,800.
      • 25 Pla­yer Hardmode
        • Heart­bre­ak Heal­th % Buff is now 40% (was 90%).
        • Base Heal­th is now 18,000,000 (was 25,000,000).
        • Heart Heal­th is now 4,410,000 (was 6,125,000).
        • Heart­bre­ak Buff Heal­th is now 25,200,000 (was 47,500,000).
        • Life Spark Heal­th is now 302,400 (was 352,800).

Items and Rewards

  • Block value socket bonus tool­tips for the following items are now con­si­s­tent with the­ir in-game effects: 
    • Valo­rous Redempti­on Legguards
    • Hero­es’ Redempti­on Legguards
    • Grea­ves of the Shatterer
    • Timewarden’s Leggings
    • Skadi’s Iron Belt
    • Jun­gle Stompers
    • Topaz-Stud­ded Battlegrips



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Ceny WoW Tokenů

Retail WoW: 379,209 gold

Classic Cataclysm: 32,291 gold

Mythic+ Affixy

Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
Challenger's Peril
Challenger's Peril
Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Guile

Reset Raidů

Classic WoW

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 dny a 23 hodin
  • 20-Man Raidy: 21 hodin
  • Onyxia’s Lair: 2 dny a 22 hodin

Season of Discovery

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 dny a 22 hodin
  • Progress raidy: 1 den a 22 hodin


  • Raidy: 4 dny a 18 hodin


  • Raidy: 4 dny a 18 hodin

Darkmoon Faire

Další Darkmoon Faire začíná již
4. ledna 2025 (za 15 dní a 13 hodin)

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