Seznam oprav – 6. prosince 2022

od | 07. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix, WotLK Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Máme tady dal­ší vár­ku uži­teč­ných změn a úprav. Bliz­zard spo­leč­ně s hro­ma­dou úprav pro jed­not­li­vá povo­lá­ní vydal i dal­ší oprav­ný balí­ček, ve kte­rém se zamě­řu­je hlav­ně na sní­že­ní zís­ka­ných zku­še­nos­tí z pro­fe­sí. Hrá­či tak již nebu­dou moct efek­tiv­ně expit přes pro­fe­se, jako tomu bylo doposud.

Jed­na změ­na se týká také Wrath of the Lich King Clas­sic, ve kte­rém se opra­vi­la chy­ba, díky kte­ré moh­li hun­te­ři pou­ží­vat více ran­ků kouz­la Volley najednou.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Death Kni­ght
    • Blo­od
      • Fixed an issue with Vora­ci­ous incre­a­sing Death Stri­ke’s mini­mum heal by more than intended.
  • Hun­ter
    • Fixed an issue whe­re ene­mies that were immu­ne to the knoc­kback from High Explo­si­ve Trap were still being affec­ted by Bin­ding Shackles.
  • Priest
    • Sha­dow
      • Psy­fi­end heal­th redu­ced to 4% of the Priest’s maxi­mum heal­th (down from 10%).
      • Psy­fi­end is no lon­ger immu­ne to debu­ffs and chan­nel effects.
      • The chan­nel durati­on of Psy­flay from Psy­fi­end is now 12 seconds to match the cre­a­tu­re’s duration.

Cre­a­tu­res and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue whe­re Enki­ne the Vora­ci­ous could not be summoned.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Halls of Infusion
    • Fixed an issue that was pre­ven­ting Death Kni­ghts from retur­ning to the dun­ge­on using Death Gate.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue whe­re if a pla­yer dies whi­le equip­ped with the Pri­mal Ritu­al Shell the cho­sen buff resets to wind.
  • Adjus­ted the drop rates of Rousing Ire across all forms of con­tent. In gene­ral, gathe­ring should be pro­vi­ding sub­stan­ti­ally less, whi­le par­ti­ci­pa­ting in instan­ced PvP should be more rewarding.
  • Dre­am­s­ca­pe Prism now correct­ly incre­a­ses your Mastery.
  • Food buffs rece­i­ved from the Val­drak­ken Feast will no lon­ger be can­celled when using your Hearthstone.
  • The “Fully Ruby Feas­ted” debu­ff has been fixed to allow the pla­yers two simul­ta­ne­ous Ruby Feast buffs, and will no lon­ger affect any of the cos­me­tics rece­i­ved from food here.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re tra­ding Bundle O’ Cards: Dra­gon Isles and Soggy Clump of Darkmo­on Cards could cause the cli­ent to crash.


  • The num­ber of first-time crafts that can grant expe­ri­en­ce has been redu­ced to 30 (was 60). 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We made this chan­ge to bet­ter sup­port gai­ning XP from craf­ting during leve­ling, whi­le mini­mi­zing the incen­ti­ve to take on seve­ral throw-away pro­fes­si­ons just to level your­self faster.
  • Fishing
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Tuskarr Fishing Holes were not avai­la­ble to pla­yers with Iska­a­ra Tuskarr Renown rank 4 on the account and Dra­gon Isles Fishing.


  • The Azu­re Span
    • Made some bac­kend chan­ges to the Com­mu­ni­ty Feast to redu­ce lag. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Ple­a­se let us know if you see unusu­ally high lag, par­ticu­lar­ly if it hap­pens only in the Iska­a­ra area, or if it only hap­pens whi­le the Com­mu­ni­ty Feast event is occurring.
  • Ohn’a­hran Plains
    • The quest boss for “The Field of Fero­ci­ty: Mas­ter of the Hunt!” should now beha­ve pro­per­ly when both left unen­gaged in com­bat and when being defeated.
  • Thal­dras­zus
    • Fixed an issue whe­re pla­yers and NPCs were flo­a­ting during the “Back to the Futu­re” cinematic.
    • Fixed an issue in “Cracks in Time” whe­re the extra acti­on but­ton was not dis­pla­y­ing whi­le dragonriding.
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Dis­grunt­led River­be­ast Mat­ri­arch was not dis­pla­y­ing the pro­per tool­tip during “Wil­d­li­fe Rescue.”

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Clas­ses
    • Hun­ter
      • Fixed an issue whe­re it was possi­ble to have mul­tiple ranks of Volley acti­ve at the same time.

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