Seznam oprav — 8. a 9. prosince

od | 10. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Bliz­zard pokra­ču­je s kaž­do­den­ním vydá­vá­ním oprav­ných balíč­ků, ve kte­rých se sou­stře­dí na jed­not­li­vá povo­lá­ní, ale také na před­mě­ty, úko­ly, dun­ge­o­ny nebo profese.

8. prosince

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Fixed the timer for com­ple­ting Three Minu­tes or It’s Free.


  • Evo­ker
    • Anci­ent Fla­me now also redu­ces the glo­bal cool­down of Living Fla­me by 40%. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We added this GCD reducti­on to the Anci­ent Fla­me talent so Living Fla­me can be smo­o­th­ly cast in quick succession.
    • Devastati­on
      • Ener­gi­zing Fla­me now res­to­res 70% of Living Flame’s mana cost when stri­king an ene­my (was 50%).
      • Living Fla­me now heals for 30% more and costs 20% of total mana (was 10% total mana). 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We want Living Fla­me to feel more impact­ful for Devastati­on Evo­kers when using it to heal them­sel­ves or an ally, but we also want to make sure it can’t be used inde­fi­ni­te­ly. The Evoker’s mana bar is inten­ded to be a rate limi­ter on hea­ling, simi­lar to how Hea­ling Sur­ge is for Ele­men­tal Sha­mans for example.
  • Hun­ter
    • Beast Mas­te­ry
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Call of the Wild was making Mend Pet tem­po­ra­ri­ly unusa­ble each time a pet was sum­mo­ned from Call of the Wild.
  • War­lock
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Pro­fa­ne Bar­ga­in was pro­vi­ding too high of sha­red damage.

Cre­a­tu­res and NPCs

  • Mal­dra­xxus Abo­mi­nati­ons should now correct­ly help pla­yers abo­ve level 60 when adven­tu­ring in the Shadowlands.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Hora­ce “Scal­ding” Stern would clut­ter pla­yers’ com­bat logs with his actions.
  • Pla­yers can no lon­ger sit on the stools that Miya and her mother Pli­fa are sle­e­ping on in the Geli­kyr Inn. This chan­ge will allow them to get the qua­li­ty of sle­ep they deserve.


  • Whi­r­ling Sur­ge cool­down now resets at the start of each dra­gon race.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Bra­ke­nhi­de Hollow
    • Brac­ken Warsourge’s Hide­ous Cac­kle chamges: 
      • Redu­ced the durati­on to 4 seconds (was 7)
      • Incre­a­sed the cast time to 3.5 seconds (was 2.5)
      • Added stron­ger visu­als to the pre­cast to draw more atten­ti­on to the cast time so pla­yers can more rea­di­ly interrupt it.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue whe­re some Tuskarr Fishing Net timers were not decre­a­sing whi­le offline.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Darkmo­on Deck: Watcher was giving a lower Ver­sa­ti­li­ty value than expec­ted when tri­g­ge­ring the shield.
  • Dra­ko­nid Spear is now only use­a­ble in the Dra­gon Isles out­do­or content.


  • Fixed issu­es with mul­tiple incorrect reci­pe bindings: 
    • Tech­nique: Renewed Pro­to-Dra­ke: Pre­da­tor Pat­tern is no lon­ger Bind on Pickup.
    • Sche­ma­tic: Tin­ker: Bre­ath of Nel­tha­ri­on is no lon­ger Bind on Pickup.
    • Reci­pe: Cele­bra­to­ry Cake is now Bind on Pickup. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ Note: Our phi­lo­so­phy for Dra­gon Isles reci­pe acqui­si­ti­on is sim­ple — we intend for as many reci­pes to be tra­de­a­ble as possi­ble. The main excep­ti­ons to this rule are for reci­pes that come from quest rewards and from renown. The­re should alwa­ys be a moment of exci­te­ment when you find a reci­pe, either because it can be sold for a pret­ty pen­ny or read for your own bene­fit. We will con­ti­nue to keep an eye out for and correct reci­pes that do not align with these goals.
  • Coo­king
    • Coo­king Sea­mo­th Sur­pri­se now correct­ly has a chan­ce to teach the Gre­at Ceru­le­an Sea reci­pe (was Thou­san­d­bo­ne Tongueslicer).
  • Inscrip­ti­on
    • Tech­nique: Weathe­red Explorer’s Sta­ve now requi­res Dra­gon Isles Inscrip­ti­on 50 to match all other high-end reci­pes (was 75).


  • Dra­gon­fli­ght Campaign
    • Fixed an issue pre­ven­ting “Open Ori­en­tati­on” from being avai­la­ble to some alts.
  • Ohn’ahran Pla­ins
    • “Coun­ting Arga­li” and “Bakar Dre­am of Lost Arga­li” should now be sig­ni­fi­cant­ly easier to complete.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re the Foal’s Tra­i­ning Abi­li­ty would show when not on the world quest “Low Han­ging Fruit.”
  • Thal­dras­zus
    • Fixed an issue whe­re the beam in use during the “The Once and Futu­re Team” wasn’t can­cel­ling itself if the quest was abandoned.
    • Fixed an issue on “The Once and Futu­re Team” whe­re Timewal­ker War­dens would some­ti­mes not join the fight aga­inst the Colossal Causality.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Andan­te­nor­mu was for­get­ting to rescue Wor­gen and Zan­da­la­ri Trolls during “Feels like the First Time.”
    • Added a way­point for “Catching Up to Chromie.”
    • Adjus­ted the tool­tip for the “Tem­po­ral Desta­bi­li­zing Beam” to show the correct range.
    • World Quests
      • Fixed the “Hyd­ro Tuskarr” so the net is not usa­ble whi­le swi­m­ming underwater.
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Cyge­no­th could fail to trans­form if he was stun­ned during the encoun­ter in “The Sha­dow of His Wings.”


  • Val­drak­ken Accord
    • Fixed an issue whe­re the “Fit­ting In” quest could dis­play rewards that were alrea­dy owned.

9. prosince

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Fixed an issue whe­re The Best at What I Do would lose or reset pro­gress. Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, current achie­ve­ment pro­gress will reset for this fix.


  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Ener­gi­zed Barriers was remo­ving auras inste­ad of just the asso­ci­a­ted sna­re effect.
  • Monk
    • Mis­twea­ver
      • Fixed an issue that caused Accu­mu­la­ting Mist to not apply its buff if Soo­thing Mist was chan­ne­led on tar­gets other than the Monk.
  • Priest
    • Dis­ci­pli­ne
      • Fixed an issue pre­ven­ting Cathar­sis from tri­g­ge­ring Ato­ne­ment healing.
  • Sha­man
    • Enhan­ce­ment
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Sta­tic Accu­mu­lati­on did not alwa­ys pro­per­ly work for the enti­re­ty of the durati­on of Ascendance.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Hail­stor­m’s maxi­mum stacks could impro­per­ly be refre­shed to a lower num­ber when talen­ted into Over­flowing Maelstrom.
  • War­lock
    • Soul­burn now lasts 20 seconds and can no lon­ger be canceled.
    • Spells affec­ted by Soul­burn are now correct­ly highlighted.

Cre­a­tu­res and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue whe­re Brac­ke­nhi­de Gnolls in the Azu­re Span could pur­sue pla­yers over a much gre­a­ter distan­ce than intended.


  • Fixed the tar­get of the para­chu­te when using ride-along. The pas­sen­ger will now correct­ly get the para­chu­te, not the driver.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Bra­ke­nhi­de Hollow
    • Sen­tiu now shows up to help pla­yers out of the dun­ge­on after they defe­at Deca­tri­arch Wratheye.
  • Hackc­la­w’s War-Band
    • Redu­ced damage for Rira Hackc­la­w’s Savage Char­ge on Nor­mal and Hero­ic, allowing pla­yers a bet­ter chan­ce to sur­vi­ve if things go wrong. The damage is not chan­ged on Mythic.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Gulp Swog Toxin no lon­ger kills cre­a­tu­res and can only affect players.
    • Impro­ved the visu­al for the Pri­ma­list Galesin­ger’s Thun­der­s­torm so it is easier to see when pla­ced in the water.
  • Nokhud Offensi­ve
    • The Raging Tempest
      • Fixed a bug whe­re Orb of Power does not grant pla­yers Sur­ge of Power if the Storm­sur­ge Totem is destroyed.
  • Return to Karazhan
    • Ope­ra Hall: West­fall Story
      • Correc­ted an issue whe­re Thun­der Ritu­al and Wash Away were doing an incorrect­ly high amount of damage in Mythic (but non-Keysto­ne) difficulty.
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Lord Storm­song
      • Fixed an issue that was causing Anci­ent Min­d­ben­der to requi­re too much damage to break.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue whe­re Furi­ous Rage­fe­ather was not tri­g­ge­ring from vari­ous dama­ging spells.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Infu­ri­ous Legrwra­ps of Possi­bi­li­ty was pro­vi­ding the incorrect amount of Has­te when triggered.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re some Dra­gon­fli­ght toys were not get­ting added to the collection.


  • Fishing
    • With the incre­a­se in fishing acti­vi­ty in the Dra­gon Isles, the Tuskarr at the wate­ring holes are now loo­king for 20 fish (was 10) to res­tock the­ir best fishing holes. They will be gran­ting the following rewards: 
      • 200 Iska­a­ra Tuskarr repu­tati­on for the first turn-in of Isle­fin Dorado.
      • 100 Iska­a­ra Tuskarr repu­tati­on for the first turn-in of each type of com­mon fish.
      • 5 Iska­a­ra Tuskarr repu­tati­on for sub­sequent turn-ins of all fish.
    • The rare sum­mo­ned lun­kers are alrea­dy immu­ne to death grip, but the Eli­te lun­kers are not which can make them tri­vial to defe­at. The Eli­te lun­kers (the ones sum­mo­ned at fishing holes with Omi­nous Con­chs) are now immu­ne to Death Grip. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ Note: Nor­mal lun­kers ran­do­mly found whi­le Tuskarr are fishing (and tho­se avai­la­ble in world quests) are still suscep­ti­ble to Death Grip.


  • The maxi­mum num­ber of quests that a pla­yer-cha­rac­ter may have has been incre­a­sed to 35 (was 25). 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We’­ve seen feedback about the quest log cap for a long time, and we agree. It’s time to incre­a­se it. Have fun taking on (up to) 10 addi­ti­o­nal adventures!
  • Fixed an issue whe­re pla­yers were una­ble to see PvP world quests whi­le in Valdrakken.
  • Ohn’a­hran Plains
    • Fixed an issue that occasi­o­nally caused mul­tiple Grand Hunts to run at the same time in the Ohn’a­hran Plains.
  • Thal­dras­zus
    • Fixed an issue whe­re cre­dit was not being sha­red among par­ty mem­bers during “Fly­ing Rocs.”
    • Fixed the inter­act ran­ge for objecti­ves on “Time-Locked Timewalkers.”
    • World Quests
      • Upda­ted tool­tip to inclu­de Dig­ging Spot on “For­got­ten Grot­to Relics.”
  • The Waking Shores
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Dja­ra­din in the Bur­ning Ascent were not correct­ly giving cre­dit for the quest objecti­ve in “Make a Statement.”
    • Fixed an issue whe­re mul­tiple instan­ces of NPCs would rema­in after tur­ning in “The Sha­dow of His Wings.”


  • Cobalt Assem­bly
    • Arca­ne Heal­th will no lon­ger be offe­red bey­ond 5 stacks.
    • Arca­ne Con­sumpti­on will no lon­ger be offe­red when in War Mode.

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