Seznam oprav v SoD – 21. 2. 2024

od | 22. února 2024 | Classic Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Dal­ší dáv­ka oprav pro mno­há povo­lá­ní, a hlav­ně pro někte­ré úko­ly z dun­ge­o­nů a za zabí­je­ní elit. Úko­ly budou nově posky­to­vat více zku­še­nos­tí a hrá­či se tak dosta­nou na 40. úro­veň o něco snad­ně­ji. Upra­ven byl také tře­ba Enchant Wea­pon – Dismant­le, kte­rý u melee i ran­ged bude o něco více procovat.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Eli­te and Dun­ge­on Quests now grant addi­ti­o­nal bonus experience.
  • The Dismant­le enchant now pro­cs more often for cas­ters and melee.
  • The ven­dor pri­ce of Ez-Thro Radi­ati­on Bombs and High-Yield Radi­ati­on Bomb has been reduced.
  • Pla­yers in the Spi­rit World can now resurrect at Cha­i­ned Spi­rits for up to 30 minu­tes after a Blo­od Moon ends.
  • Spi­rit of Redempti­on Form will no lon­ger instant­ly can­cel if you attempt to cast spells not allowed in that form. Doing so now returns an error message.
  • A Zan­da­la­ri­an Emissa­ry can now be found atop the Duro­tar zeppe­lin tower.
  • Mage
    • Spell Power now bene­fits the cri­ti­cal stri­ke damage of Spellfrost Bolt.
  • Rogue
    • Pre­pa­rati­on now pro­per­ly resets the cool­downs of Quick Draw, Between the Eyes, and Redirect.
    • Shu­ri­ken Toss will no lon­ger some­ti­mes cause loss of com­bo points when a Rogue is talen­ted into Seal Fate and a boun­ced Shu­ri­ken crits a secon­da­ry target.
  • Sha­man
    • Offhand Storm­stri­ke hits can now correct­ly tri­g­ger wea­pon pro­cs, inclu­ding Win­d­fu­ry Wea­pon and Flurry.
    • Hea­ling Rain no lon­ger has a vari­ant hei­ght for its ani­mati­on. The Hea­ling Rain cloud now alwa­ys appears just abo­ve player’s heads.
  • War­lock
    • Haunt will now pro­per­ly incre­a­se the damage done by Siphon Life.
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Siphon Life beha­ves like Dra­in Life and will only be incre­a­sed by Haunt if it is cast whi­le Haunt is alrea­dy acti­ve. These abi­li­ties do not dyna­mi­cally upda­te the­ir valu­es when Haunt is applied or falls off.



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