Seznam oprav — 27. března 2023

od | 28. března 2023 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 22 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Do hry se v noci dostal vel­ký oprav­ný balí­ček, kte­rý se sou­stře­dí na Wise Mari, hro­ma­du povo­lá­ní a dal­ších oprav včet­ně úko­lů, před­mě­tů a nepřá­tel. Mno­ho oprav bude aktiv­ních až po restar­tu real­mů, kte­rý je ten­to týden plá­no­ván na stře­deč­ní noc mezi 4. a 5. hodi­nou. Změ­ny, kte­ré budou aktiv­ní až zít­ra ráno, jsou ozna­če­ny v blue postu poznám­kou [With realm restarts].

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Death Kni­ght
    • Frost
      • [With realm restarts] All abi­li­ty damage redu­ced by 3%.
  • Dru­id
    • Balan­ce
      • Deni­zen of the Dream’s tri­g­ger rate was unin­ten­ti­o­nally incre­a­sed. It has been res­to­red to its inten­ded value.
    • Res­to­rati­on
      • Fixed an issue that caused Forest’s Flow to not pro­per­ly extend heal over time effects on allies.
  • Evo­ker
    • Fixed an issue whe­re empower spells could fail to auto-fire at Rank 1 when rele­a­sed pri­or to that point.
    • Fixed an issue pre­ven­ting Oppres­sing Roar’s cool­down from being redu­ced when dispel­ling Enrage effects with the Ove­ra­we talent.
  • Hun­ter
    • Beast Mas­te­ry
      • [With realm restarts] Kill Com­mand damage redu­ced by 10%.
    • Marksman­ship
      • [With realm restarts] All abi­li­ty and pet damage redu­ced by 4%.
    • Sur­vi­val
      • [With realm restarts] Mon­go­o­se Bite damage redu­ced by 10%. This does not affect PvP combat.
  • Pala­din
    • Retri­bu­ti­on
      • Fixed an issue that caused Fading Light’s value to be higher than inten­ded for Retri­bu­ti­on Paladins.
  • War­lock
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We’re modi­fy­ing the out­put of Gri­mo­i­re of Sacri­fi­ce to bring it in line with the out­put of War­lock demons. At the end of the day War­lock is a pet-cent­ric class and whi­le we want the­re to be an opti­on to opt-out of your pet, we don’t want it to alwa­ys be the clear answer.
    • [With realm restarts] Wrath­ful Mini­on now incre­a­ses the damage of Gri­mo­i­re of Sacri­fi­ce by 10% (was 15%).
    • [With realm restarts] Demo­nic Inspi­rati­on now incre­a­ses the damage of Gri­mo­i­re of Sacri­fi­ce by 10% (was 15%).
    • [With realm restarts] Gri­mo­i­re of Sacri­fi­ce damage redu­ced by 15%.
    • Afflicti­on
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: With the remo­val of less impact­ful talents in both the­ir class and spe­ci­a­li­zati­on tre­es, Afflicti­on rece­i­ved a lot of addi­ti­o­nal damage opti­ons that have incre­a­sed the­ir damage bey­ond what was inten­ded. We’re making these adjust­ments to bring them in line with other damage dealers.
      • [With realm restarts] Damage done by spells and abi­li­ties redu­ced by 2%.
      • [With realm restarts] Dar­k­gla­re damage redu­ced by 20%.
    • Demo­no­lo­gy
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We’re tar­ge­ting Demonology’s mul­ti-tar­get pro­fi­le with these adjust­ments to bring them clo­ser to other damage dea­lers. We will con­ti­nue to watch both sin­gle-tar­get and mul­ti-tar­get per­for­man­ce, along with the out­put of new talents and adjust­ments deli­ve­red in 10.0.7, and make further adjust­ments down the road if needed.
      • [With realm restarts] Demo­nic Stren­gth now incre­a­ses the damage of Fel­storm by 300% (was 400%). This does not affect PvP combat.
      • [With realm restarts] Dread­bi­te damage redu­ced by 10%. This does not affect PvP combat.
Dun­ge­ons and Raids
  • Tem­ple of the Jade Serpent
    • Wise Mari
      • Fre­e­zing Ice Sto­ne (Pri­mor­dial Sto­ne) tri­g­gers no lon­ger disrupt the directi­on of Wash Away casts.
  • Zul’Gurub
    • The Archa­e­o­lo­gy skill requi­re­ment for the Cache of Mad­ness event has been redu­ced to 1 (was 225).
    • Bra­zier of Mad­ness, Shat­te­red Hak­ka­ri Bijou, and Frag­men­ted Hak­ka­ri Bijou no lon­ger have a level requirement.
    • Warbla­des of the Hak­ka­ri, Reborn are now bind on account (was bind on pic­kup) to allow any­o­ne to acqui­re the appea­ran­ces regar­dless of who the­ir blacks­mi­th is.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the Bra­zier of Mad­ness to be loo­table pri­or to com­ple­ting Relics of a Fallen Empire.
  • Zul’Aman
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Bijous and Coins to drop in the instance.
Ene­mies and NPCs
  • Fael’lin
    • Hell­fi­re Walls will now correct­ly dis­play the cast bar.
    • Living Fuse will no lon­ger tar­get player’s pets.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Pri­mor­dial Sto­nes were pul­ling ene­mies that you were not in com­bat with.
Pla­yer ver­sus Player
  • Pala­din
    • [Live March 24] Crusader’s Reprie­ve hea­ling redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • [Live March 24] Judg­ment of Light hea­ling redu­ced by 35% for Pro­tecti­on Pala­dins in PvP combat.
    • Retri­bu­ti­on
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Retri­bu­ti­on Pala­dins have been hea­vi­ly over­per­for­ming in PvP with the­ir recent 10.0.7 chan­ges. We’re pri­ma­ri­ly tar­ge­ting the­ir burst damage, pas­si­ve sur­vi­va­bi­li­ty, and PvP talents that we feel are con­tri­bu­ting too much ove­rall damage.
      • [Live March 24] Judg­ment of Light hea­ling redu­ced by 35% for Retri­bu­ti­on Pala­dins in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Inquisitor’s Ire effecti­ve­ness redu­ced by 40% in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Fading Light effecti­ve­ness redu­ced by 50% for Retri­bu­ti­on Pala­dins in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Justicar’s Ven­ge­an­ce now deals 15% addi­ti­o­nal damage to stun­ned tar­gets in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Justicar’s Ven­ge­an­ce hea­ling redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Bles­sing of Dawn effecti­ve­ness redu­ced by 25% for Retri­bu­ti­on Pala­dins in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Divi­ne Arbi­ter direct damage redu­ced by 25% in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Van­gu­ard of Jus­ti­ce effecti­ve­ness redu­ced by 25% in PvP combat.
      • [Live March 24] Empy­re­an Lega­cy incre­a­ses the damage of Divi­ne Storm by 15% in PvP com­bat (was 25%).
      • [Live March 24] Lumi­ne­scen­ce (PvP Talent) now incre­a­ses damage and hea­ling by 2% (was 4%).
      • [Live March 24] Lawbrin­ger (PvP Talent) now deals 2% of maxi­mum heal­th (was 4%).
      • [Live March 24] Fixed an issue that caused Aven­ging Wrath’s 75% PvP mul­tiplier to not functi­on for Retri­bu­ti­on Paladins.
  • Sha­man
    • Pre­co­gni­ti­on will no lon­ger be acti­va­ted when pla­yers are suc­cess­fully interrup­ted whi­le affec­ted by Tra­nquil Air Totem.
  • “Brew for the Ages” should now correct­ly point to the Zske­ra Vault door to find the reci­pe pages, in case you have not unlocked that vault door yet.



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