WotLK Classic — Call of the Crusade je tady!

od | 21. června 2023 | Wrath of the Lich King Classic | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 19 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Dlou­hé čeká­ní je koneč­ně za námi. Tře­tí fáze WotLK Clas­sic byla v prů­bě­hu dneš­ní noci nahrá­na na evrop­ské real­my a hrá­či tak mohou začít s obsa­hem, kte­rý je sou­čás­tí Call of the Crusa­de aktualizace.

Nový raid — Trial of the Crusader

Raid Trial of the Crusa­der je umís­těn na seve­ru Icecrown v Argent Tour­na­ment Grounds. Instan­ce obsa­hu­je 5 bos­sů, nena­lez­ne­te v ní žád­ný tra­sh a záro­veň bude­te moct zís­kat nový Tier 9 set. Základ­ní popis a tak­ti­ku bos­sů v Trial of the Crusa­der si může­te pře­číst ve člán­ku níže.

Trial of the Grand Crusa­der – základ­ní tak­ti­ka a popis bossů

Vítáme zpět Onyxii!

Sta­ro­no­vá zná­má Ony­xia se opět obje­vu­je na scé­ně. Bliz­zard před mno­ha lety v původ­ním Wrath of the Lich King pře­dě­lal Ony­xi­a­’s Lair v rám­ci oslav pěti let World of War­craft na raid pro 80. úrov­ně v 10 a 25 man ver­zi. Raid se dostal neče­ka­ně i na WotLK Clas­sic a vy se tak může­te zno­vu utkat tvá­ří v tvář dra­či­ci, kte­rá vám urči­tě mno­ho­krát ve Vanil­la WoW zava­ři­la, pro­to­že jste na ní neda­li dosta­tek DOTek.

Onyxia’s Lair – Základ­ní infor­ma­ce o rai­du a taktika

Titan Rune Beta dungeons

Titan Rune Dun­ge­o­ny pro­šly aktu­a­li­za­cí a dru­há ver­ze nabí­zí zase něco nové­ho. Dai­ly Hero­ic Ques­ty nabí­zí dva Emblem of Tri­um­ph a zabi­tím posled­ní­ho bos­se v dun­ge­o­nech zís­ká­te Side­re­al Essen­ce. Esen­ce může­te pro­mě­nit v Dala­ra­nu za Uldu­ar 10 Har­d­mo­de před­mě­ty. Nej­za­jí­ma­věj­ší zbra­ně sto­jí 38 Side­re­al Essen­ce. Zby­tek před­mě­tů zís­ká­te od 15 do 32 Side­re­al Essen­ce.

Titan Rune dun­ge­o­ny – Nové “Hero­ic Plus” dun­ge­o­ny ve WotLK Classic

Koralon the Flame Watcher

Kora­lon the Fla­me Watcher je boss ve Vault of Archa­von, kte­rý se obje­ví v nové fázi hry. Z bos­se jde zís­kat Tier 9 ruka­vi­ce a kalho­ty. Boss záro­veň nabí­zí i wais­ty, wris­ty, bac­ky a boty.

Člá­nek o Vault of Archa­von připravuji…

Epické gemy za Emblem of Heroism

Za 10, resp. 20 Emblem of Hero­ism může­te nově zís­kat epic­ké gemy, kte­ré mohou pou­ží­vat Jewel­craf­te­ři k vytvá­ře­ní nových a lep­ších gemů. Engi­ne­e­ři záro­veň mohou nově vytvo­řit oblí­be­né­ho robo­ta Jee­ves. Pro robo­ta totiž potře­bu­jí engi­ne­e­ři dva Kin­g’s Amber. Gemy ovšem do této fáze hry neby­ly dostupné.

Změny v Ulduaru

S pří­cho­dem nové aktu­a­li­za­ce při­šlo mno­ho tak­zva­ných „qua­li­ty of life“ změn, kte­ré zasáh­li hrá­če, kte­ří se budou stá­le vydá­vat do Uldu­a­ru a budou se sna­žit zís­kat zají­ma­vé předměty.

  • Por­to­vá­ní do Expe­di­ti­on Base Cam­pu je vždy aktiv­ní. Záro­veň z něj půjde sko­čit rov­nou do Ante­cham­ber of Uldu­ar i když nebu­dou zabi­tí bos­so­vé Fla­me Levi­athan a XT-002 Deconstructor.
  • Po zabi­tí Kolo­gar­na se ihned ote­vřou dve­ře k Veza­xo­vi a obje­ví se i tra­sh před bossem.
  • Yogg-Saron dro­pu­je více Frag­ments of Val’anyr (za kaž­dé­ho kee­pe­ra, kte­rý se nezú­čast­ní boje, to bude o frag­ment více).
  • Alga­lon již nemá hodi­no­vý timer a dro­pu­je 2 Frag­ments of Val’anyr.

Kompletní Patch Notes v angličtině

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

Wrath Classic Patch Notes Version 3.4.2

June 20, 2023

New Raid: Trial of the Crusader and Trial of the Grand Crusader

  • This con­tent beco­mes avai­la­ble on Thur­sday, June 22 at 3:00 p.m. PDT.
  • Challen­ge the five boss encoun­ters in the Trial of the Crusa­der and Trial of the Grand Crusa­der 10 and 25-pla­yer raids on Nor­mal and Hero­ic difficulty.
  • Trial of the Crusa­der (Nor­mal dif­ficul­ty) sha­res a lockout with Trial of the Grand Crusa­der (Hero­ic dif­ficul­ty), but you may dyna­mi­cally swap from Nor­mal to Hero­ic and back aga­in within the same raid size.

    • For exam­ple, if your raid group clears the raid up throu­gh Facti­on Cham­pi­ons on Hero­ic dif­ficul­ty, you may swap to Nor­mal dif­ficul­ty and com­ple­te the instan­ce on Normal.
    • You may also do this dif­ficul­ty swap­ping on a per-boss basis. Using the exam­ple abo­ve, you may clear up throu­gh Facti­on Cham­pi­ons on Hero­ic, then swap to Nor­mal for the Twin Val­kyr encoun­ter, and then swap back to Hero­ic for the Anub’arak encounter.
    • Ple­a­se note that to be eli­gi­ble for Tri­bu­te to Insa­ni­ty and the addi­ti­o­nal tri­bu­te chest and rewards, you must do the enti­re Trial of the Grand Crusa­der raid on Hero­ic dif­ficul­ty in that same lockout.
    • 10-pla­yer and 25-pla­yer ver­si­ons of the raid are still sepa­ra­te lockouts and do not impact one ano­ther at all.
    • The requi­re­ment to have clea­red Trial of the Crusa­der befo­re attempting Trial of the Grand Crusa­der has been removed.
  • Adjust­ments have been made to the acqui­si­ti­on rate of both Emblems of Tri­um­ph and Tro­phy of the Crusa­de in Trial of the Crusa­der and Trial of the Grand Crusader:

    • 1 addi­ti­o­nal Tro­phy of the Crusa­de will now drop from each boss in 25-pla­yer raids.
    • The num­ber of Emblems of Tri­um­ph obta­i­ned from each boss in 25-pla­yer raids incre­a­sed by 2.
    • The num­ber of Emblems of Tri­um­ph obta­i­ned from each boss in 10-pla­yer raids incre­a­sed by 1.
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: With Nor­mal and Hero­ic ver­si­ons of the Trial of the Crusa­der sha­ring a lockout in Wrath Clas­sic, the total num­ber of Tro­phies of the Crusa­de and Emblems of Tri­um­ph avai­la­ble each week decre­a­sed. These adjust­ments are meant to bring the acqui­si­ti­on rate of both resour­ces on par to what it would have been in ori­gi­nal Wrath of the Lich King. The num­ber of emblems drop­ped was not incre­a­sed to per­fect­ly match what was possi­ble to obta­in from the raid on a week­ly basis in 2009, as the­re are now other oppor­tu­ni­ties out­si­de the raid to obta­in these emblems, name­ly from the dai­ly hero­ic satchel when the dai­ly hero­ic dun­ge­on is com­ple­ted on Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta difficulty.

Level 80 Onyxia’s Lair

  • This con­tent beco­mes avai­la­ble on Thur­sday, June 22 at 3:00pm PDT
  • The Onyxia’s Lair encoun­ter has been upda­ted to level 80.
  • The level 60 ver­si­on of Onyxia’s Lair can be acces­sed by spe­a­king to Zidor­mi near the Onyxia’s Lair sum­mo­ning sto­ne. Spe­ak with Zidor­mi aga­in to return to the level 80 ver­si­on of the raid.

New Boss in the Vault of Archavon

  • Kora­lon the Fla­me Watcher beco­mes avai­la­ble after week­ly updates/main­te­nan­ce the week of June 27
The con­tent below beco­mes avai­la­ble with the con­tent update/main­te­nan­ce the week of June 20.

Argent Tournament

  • Join the Argent Tour­na­ment in the new quest hub loca­ted north of Sindragosa’s Fall in the Icecrown zone. You’ll under­ta­ke new quests and dai­ly quests whi­le showing off your jous­ting pro­wess to earn new rewards.

Titan Rune Dungeons – Defense Protocol Beta

  • Titan Rune Dun­ge­ons now have a new dif­ficul­ty – Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta.
  • To ini­ti­a­te Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta, the par­ty will need to inter­act with the Mys­te­ri­ous Devi­ce at the ent­ran­ce of a hero­ic dun­ge­on, select the Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta opti­on from the gos­sip text. All five mem­bers of the par­ty will need to chan­nel on the object until the cast bar com­ple­tes, and then Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta will beco­me active.
  • Once acti­va­ted, the ene­mies and bos­ses in the dun­ge­on will have a vari­e­ty of dan­ge­rous new effects alon­g­si­de incre­a­sed heal­th and damage.
  • Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta boss encoun­ters drop items from the 10-pla­yer Nor­mal Mode of Ulduar.
  • The final boss of each Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta dun­ge­on gives a new curren­cy, Side­re­al Essen­ce. Exchan­ge Side­re­al Essen­ce at the Ani­ma­ted Con­stellati­on npc in your faction’s area of Dala­ran for rewards from 10-pla­yer Hard Mode Ulduar.

Player versus Player

  • Pre­pa­re to take on all challen­gers when the new Wrath of the Lich King PvP Sea­son 7 begins.
  • The new Isle of Conquest batt­le­ground beco­mes avai­la­ble, pit­ting pla­yers aga­inst each other in 40 vs. 40 epic battles.


  • The por­tal to the Ante­cham­ber is now alwa­ys acti­ve even if Fla­me Levi­athan and XT-002 Decon­struc­tor have not been defeated.
  • After Kolo­garn is defe­a­ted, Gene­ral Vezax and all the surroun­ding ene­mies in his encoun­ter area will now imme­di­a­te­ly spawn.
  • Yogg-Saron now drops addi­ti­o­nal Frag­ments of Val’anyr depen­ding on how many Titan Kee­pers are assis­ting your raid:

    • With zero Kee­pers assis­ting, Yogg-Saron will now alwa­ys drop 3 Frag­ments of Val’anyr.
    • With one Kee­per assis­ting, Yogg-Saron will now alwa­ys drop 2 Frag­ments of Val’anyr.
    • With two or more Kee­pers assis­ting, Yogg-Saron will still drop 1 Frag­ment of Val’anyr as before.
  • Alga­lon the Obser­ver now alwa­ys drops 2 Frag­ments of Val’anyr.
  • The one-hour timer for defe­a­ting Alga­lon the Obser­ver has been removed.
  • With the rele­a­se of Trial of the Crusa­der, Uldu­ar item drops will be adjusted:

    • Uldu­ar 10 Nor­mal Mode items now drop from Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta bos­ses in Titan Rune Dungeons
    • Uldu­ar 25 Nor­mal Mode items now drop from Uldu­ar 10.
    • Uldu­ar 10 Hard Mode items still drop from Uldu­ar 10 Hard Modes.
    • Uldu­ar 25 Hard Mode items still only drop from Uldu­ar 25 Hard Modes.


  • Dru­id

    • Pre­vi­ous adjust­ments, spe­ci­fi­cally to Fae­rie Fire (Feral) and Omen of Cla­ri­ty pro­cs, have been rever­ted. This imple­men­tati­on has been repla­ced with a new Gly­ph of Omen of Cla­ri­ty major gly­ph which grants the same effect, causing Fae­rie Fire (Feral) to alwa­ys proc Omen of Clarity.
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This is going to be an extre­me­ly small loss in damage for the dru­id for repla­cing an exis­ting gly­ph, but the pre­vi­ous adjust­ments resul­ted in a lar­ger than inten­ded damage incre­a­se for Feral DPS, so this hel­ps to reta­in the bene­fits of that adjust­ment but does so at the cost of a Major Gly­ph slot instead.
  • Warri­or

    • A new minor gly­ph has been added to the game: Gly­ph of Shat­te­ring Throw – Your Shat­te­ring Throw is now instant and may be used in any stan­ce, but no lon­ger remo­ves invul­ne­ra­bi­li­ties and can­not be used on pla­yers or pla­yer-con­t­rolled targets.
    • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This gly­ph is being added to smo­o­th out the usage of one of the clun­kier raid uti­li­ty cool­downs in Wrath Clas­sic. The usage of Shat­te­ring Throw was often a strict DPS loss for Warri­ors as you would need to chan­ge stan­ces and lose your poo­led rage, and using it had a cast time which left the warri­or immo­bi­le and vul­ne­ra­ble. The usage of this raid cool­down should now feel sig­ni­fi­cant­ly more natu­ral without most of the dra­wbacks and should not impact the usage of Shat­te­ring Throw in PvP at all.

Items and Rewards

  • The Sons of Hodir have upped the­ir fashi­on game and the­re is now a Sons of Hodir tabard avai­la­ble from Lille­ho­ff in Dun Nif­fe­lem, Storm Peaks.
  • A new ven­dor has been added in Dala­ran: Ani­ma­ted Con­stellati­on. This ven­dor will exchan­ge items from Uldu­ar 10-pla­yer Hard Mode for the new Side­re­al Essen­ce curren­cy ear­ned from Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta dungeons.

User Interface

  • The Loo­king for Group tool has been upda­ted for a smo­o­ther expe­ri­en­ce with Titan Rune Dungeons
  • The menu/setting UI has been updated

Bug Fixes

  • Clas­ses

    • Death Kni­ght

      • Fixed an issue that some­ti­mes caused runes to not pro­per­ly be con­su­med when cer­ta­in abi­li­ties were used toge­ther in a macro.
      • Fixed seve­ral issu­es with the Death Kni­ght talent Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon that caused the damage to be cal­cu­la­ted incorrectly.

        • Resol­ved an issue causing the ver­si­on of Death Coil cast by Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon to do base damage and inhe­rit no stats from the Death Knight.
        • Resol­ved an issue whe­re Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon was not mimic­king the Slow Effect of Cha­ins of Ice.
        • Resol­ved an issue pre­ven­ting the correct ver­si­on of Death Kni­ght abi­li­ties to be used by Dan­cing Rune Weapon.
        • Resol­ved an issue causing the melee damage done by Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon to be incorrect. The damage done will now be much clo­ser to 50% of the Death Knight’s damage, with some vari­ati­on due to exact gear con­fi­gu­rati­ons such as equip­ped wea­pon speed.
        • Gly­ph of Death Stri­ke now pro­per­ly incre­a­ses the damage of Dan­cing Rune Weapon’s Death Strike.
        • Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon now correct­ly inhe­rits the wea­pon damage of the wiel­der for spe­cial attacks.
        • Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon now gains a bene­fit from the Impro­ved Icy Touch talent.
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: These fixes should bring the damage out­put of Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon much clo­ser to the indi­ca­ted 50% damage on the tool­tip. Ple­a­se note that whi­le Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon should be dea­ling clo­ser to 50% of your total damage, the­re are cer­ta­in secon­da­ry stats such as Armor Pene­trati­on that are not inhe­ri­ted by Pets which can impact this. This beha­vi­or is sys­te­mic to all pets, and intended.
      • Fixed an audio issue that some­ti­mes caused a crac­kling sound effect to some­ti­mes occur when near Death Kni­ght players.
    • Mage

      • Fixed an issue that caused a mage’s Mirror Images to reta­in thre­at on an ene­my tar­get if the mage pre­vi­ous­ly died whi­le fighting that same target.
      • Fixed seve­ral ani­mati­on issu­es with Bliz­zard spell effects.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Frost­fi­re Bolt to alwa­ys remo­ve the Fire­ball! debu­ff when used with the mage Tier 8 4‑piece set bonus.
      • Fixed an issue with Blink that would some­ti­mes cause a dis­con­nect when used whi­le wal­king on water.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the absorb shield from Sacred Shield to not be transferred to the mage when it was remo­ved using Spellsteal.
    • Pala­din

      • Fixed an issue that occasi­o­nally caused Hand of Sacri­fi­ce to fall off of a fri­en­dly tar­get early.
      • Fixed an issue that caused cer­ta­in ranks of Gre­a­ter Bles­sing of Might to not pro­per­ly be logged.
    • Priest

      • Fixed seve­ral issu­es with Sha­dow­fi­end that caused it to bre­ak cer­ta­in crowd con­t­rol when sum­mo­ned and pla­ce pla­yers into com­bat even when not being acti­ve­ly engaged in com­bat with an ene­my pla­yer or creature.
      • Fixed a visu­al issue with the spell effect that appears over the head of tar­gets affec­ted by Mind Control.
    • Rogue

      • Fixed an issue with the Over­kill talent that pre­ven­ted rogu­es from appro­pri­a­te­ly gai­ning damage immu­ni­ty the moment that vanish is used.
      • Fixed an issue that caused mul­tiple ranks of Wound Poi­son to pla­ce mul­tiple sepa­ra­te debu­ffs on the ene­my target.
      • Fixed an issue that allowed rogu­es to get free com­bo points befo­re an encoun­ter begins uti­li­zing Honor Among Thie­ves and spec swapping.
      • Fixed an issue causing rogu­es using Sli­ce and Dice on a tar­get affec­ted by Vigi­lan­ce to be remo­ved from stealth.
      • Resol­ved an issue that caused Feint to incorrect­ly proc poi­sons on the rogue’s target.
    • Sha­man

      • Fixed an issue with the Earthen Power talent tool­tip that incorrect­ly sta­tes that it dispels all sna­re effects rather than one effect per tick per fri­en­dly target.
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This has alwa­ys beha­ved this way and has alwa­ys been inten­ded to beha­ve this way but the tool­tip was mislea­ding. We’ve correc­ted the tool­tip to be more clear about what the talent actu­ally does.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Earth­grab talent to not have PvP dimi­nishing returns.
    • War­lock

      • Unstable afflicti­on is now pro­per­ly affec­ted by Resilience.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the War­lock quest “The Bin­ding” to be dif­ficult to com­ple­te due to the Sum­mo­ned Incu­bus being quick­ly engaged and killed by Orgri­m­mar guards.
      • Fixed a visu­al issue with the Rain of Fire spell.
    • Warri­or

      • Fixed an issue that caused Inter­ve­ne to incorrect­ly check for line of sight on the ene­my tar­get when used in a macro.
  • Are­na, Batt­le­grounds, and PvP

    • Fixed a spot in the Ruins of Lor­dae­ron are­na that pets could not path to.
    • Fixed a safe spot in the Dala­ran Sewers Are­na that could be rea­ched by Slow­fall effects.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re you could interrupt ene­my pla­yers drin­king in Are­na by mani­pu­la­ting the­ir thre­at table by Hand of Sal­vati­on and other means.
    • Meta gems are no lon­ger swap­pa­ble in com­bat or in Are­na matches.
    • Resi­li­en­ce now pro­per­ly redu­ces the effecti­ve­ness of mana-drains.
    • The water in the Win­ter­grasp instan­ced batt­le­ground has been restored.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Rea­ni­ma­ted Abo­mi­nati­ons from the quest “That’s Abo­mi­na­ble” to be able to enter Are­na Matches.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed pla­yers to spam buffs on fri­en­dly pets to rema­in in com­bat indefinitely.
    • Fixed an issue that some­ti­mes caused pla­yer pets to beco­me stuck in the star­ting area of the Dala­ran Sewers Are­na map.
    • Fixed an issue that caused knoc­kbacks such as Thun­der­s­torm to not affect pla­yer pets.
  • Raids and Dungeons

    • Fixed an issue that some­ti­mes caused XT-002 Decon­struc­tor to not drop loot.
    • Resol­ved an issue that some­ti­mes caused Noth the Pla­gu­ebrin­ger to not drop loot.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed pla­yers to bring the Ber­ser­king debu­ff from Batt­le­grounds out­si­de of the Batt­le­ground instance.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the “Pum­ped Up!” buff gai­ned from /chee­ring at The Tau­ren Chiefta­ins to be taken into raid instances.
    • Fixed an issue that caused hea­ling thre­at to not pro­per­ly split between mul­tiple hos­ti­le enemies.
    • Fixed an issue with the Titan Rune Dun­ge­on Troll abi­li­ty Blo­od of the Loa to incorrect­ly heal ene­mies too much per tick.
    • Fixed an issue that occasi­o­nally caused a dis­con­nect when swap­ping seats from a Gun­ner to Dri­ver in a Sie­ge Engi­ne in Ulduar.
    • Resol­ved an issue that caused por­ti­ons of the mini­map in Drak’Tharon keep to show as grey and untextured.
    • Fixed an issue with the Hodir’s Fury visu­al effect on Fla­me Levi­athan that causes the impact visu­al to per­sist after the spell fires off.
  • User Inter­fa­ce

    • Fixed an issu­et that caused Tar­get of Tar­get fra­mes to not show debuffs.
    • Fixed an issue that caused you to some­ti­me lose your tar­get when moving away from it.
    • Fixed an issue that caused some pla­yers ven­dor buy­back slots to rare­ly not pro­per­ly clear after relogging.
    • Fixed seve­ral issu­es with the Recom­men­ded Gra­phics settings causing incorrect aspect rati­os and resolutions.
    • Fixed an erro­ne­ous inter­acti­on that caused the Equi­p­ment Manager to some­ti­mes not pro­per­ly equip or unequip cer­ta­in items when a qui­ver is equip­ped one of the first three bag slots.
    • Res­to­red the mis­sing raid size indi­ca­tor to the instan­ce dif­ficul­ty flag atta­ched to the mini­map whi­le in a raid instance.
    • Fixed a dis­play issue causing the exper­ti­se rating cal­cu­lati­ons to round up or down to the nea­rest quar­ter of a per­cent on the cha­rac­ter sheet.
    • Fixed an inter­fa­ce issue pre­ven­ting debu­ff icons from showing on the pet frame.
    • Fixed an issue with the Loo­king for Group tool that pre­ven­ted your lis­ting from upda­ting when adding or remo­ving an activity.
    • Fixed an issue that caused roles not to dis­play on default raid frames.
    • Fixed an issue that caused pla­yer pet’s heal­th bars to show as black in the default raid fra­mes after the pet dies and is resurrected.
  • Gene­ral

    • Fixed an issue that caused the Children’s Week “Home Alo­ne” achie­ve­ment to not be able to be ear­ned with a Hearths­to­ne repla­ce­ment item such as the Dark Portal.
    • Fixed an issue that caused On Next Hit melee abi­li­ties from disa­b­ling the spell queue.
    • Fixed an issue with the Mysti­cal Paul­dron of Ele­ments and Mysti­cal Vest of Ele­ments not gran­ting the­ir mp5 bonuses.
    • Fixed an issue that caused com­pa­ni­on pets to tri­g­ger cer­ta­in trin­kets and effects.

      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: RIP Snakeweaving.
    • Fixed an issue that caused stac­king damage over time effects to not pro­per­ly stack when two effects that incre­a­se the mag­ni­tu­de of the DoT land simultaneously.

      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This resol­ves the so-called “DoT Mun­ching” beha­vi­or seen pre­do­mi­na­te­ly with spells like Igni­te and Deep Wounds.
    • Fixed an issue that some­ti­mes caused dif­fe­rent dai­ly dun­ge­on quests to show up on dif­fe­rent layers on the same realm.
    • Fixed an issue that caused pla­yers to some­ti­mes beco­me dismoun­ted when fly­ing between Bore­an Tun­d­ra and Sho­la­zar Basin.
    • Fixed an issue causing pla­yers to be una­ble to loot the final Spo­tted Hip­po­gry­ph Down for the quest “Has­ty Preparations”.
    • Fixed an issue that caused cer­ta­in auras not to fade when the pla­yer no lon­ger meets the requi­re­ments for that aura to be active.

      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: A good exam­ple of this beha­vi­or is Shield Wall. Pri­or to this fix pla­yers could equip a one-hand wea­pon and shield and pop Shield Wall, then unequip the shield and keep the effect. This is no lon­ger possi­ble after this fix.

Zdroj: vlast­ní


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